It's... just like... painting with sound

Visual Acoustics is an nice online sound toy (or "Concept for interactive expression") - click, drag, it's fun. The software is by Alex Lampe, but the unfortunate words come from Lewis Moberly, a beyond-parody naming consultancy ("We created 'Ride the Tiger' for the Human Resources Programme at Novartis Consumer Health. Challenging and evocative, it commands attention in a multi-national institution") (Thanks Scott)

Yeah it's pretty fun, and an interesting piece of software. It kind of reminds me of the Tenori-On. I really can't wait for the Tenori-On, I'm anxiously awaiting for them to come out and actually say they're going to produce one. I fear that it's going to be vaporwear tho. Anybody else excited about the Tenori-On?
If Nintendo get round to making electroplankon 2 this would be a nice start ;)
Anonymous, Toshio Iwai made that game for Nintendo, you should check out the instrument he's working on for Yamaha, called Tenori-On .. there's some videos up on You-Tube for it.
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