'Groovy Babes' - the ultimate synth/porn website

Isn't it refreshing when national stereotypes come true? While English -speaking synthy websites are filled with a chiptune controversy, a new DJ control surface and a 1940s electronic pioneer, the French do it differently. The Groovy Babes special on Oldschool-Sound.com is a lengthy flash slideshow which collects every picture they can find of (mainly) attractive women with synths, ranging from #1 MT pinup Cynthia Webster (left) to Kate Bush suggestively fondling her Fairlight (centre) to... well, I really don't know what that picure on the right is. It's very mildly NSFW, including a strange picture of a '60s topless girl group and what looks like a '70s Playboy shoot featuring a Moog Prodigy. (via Matrix Synth, which has recently moved to: matrixsynth.blogspot.com, and is still updated every, like, six minutes with an unstoppable stream of cool things)

Too bad they squished and stretched the images. That completely ruined the entire idea.
perhaps you'll get excited by this hot chick who's not into synths at all!
isn't that suzanne ciani on the left?
I don't think so, but I'm not really sure. I thought it was Cynthia because of this post from CreateDigitalMusic. Isn't Suzanne Italian? Mystery girl with big modular doesn't look Italian to me...
Hmm, I wonder if that was *my* Moog Prodigy..?

That somewhat worrying implies that my synths have had a wilder sex life than I have...

I must get out more... :D
yeah, too bad about the stretching of the pix, you'd think someone into tech (even retro-tech) would know better.

Good subject matter though.
The "strange picture of a '60s topless girl group" was from a Danelectro ad.
thanks for showing me the original link. you are right, that is not suzanne ciani. it is also not a buchla ... that's an e-mu modular.

i wouldn't mind knowing who that actually is though.
Didn't we see this before?

Yeah, well, I was on holiday in February....

I think it merits reposting, anyway!
There is a great picture in the latest issue (Oct 2005) of the music mag The Wire, a nice old English lady (the composer Eliane Radigue) playing a large modular. I can only wish my grandma did the same thing. :)

Well worth a read, that issue also has a long article on Boards of Canada.
I have two words for you Tom: "Chicks'n'Synths"
(Or is that three?)
Anyway, I look forward to the debut of the magazine...
It's not Cynthia Webster, that's for darn sure!!
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