Ebay of the day: Akai MPC3000. Lady not included.

If you didn't find the Headphone Porn or Hi-fi Porn exciting, then perhaps this will do it for you: ultraman6996 is a Japanese seller with a LOT of really expensive old music gear for sale on eBay at the moment (including a $30,000 Roland modular). Most of his auctions are straightforward, but his Akai MPCs are photographed being demonstrated by a girl in a swimsuit and stilletos, as you can see from this picture. There's more here and here. (Thanks, Matt)

Angit...pics were pulled from the listing, and the seller isn't even registered any longer. Were all his listings hoaxes?
Angit = Dangit.

Typos = fun!
Yes, this was a scam. The pics are from Beathovan, a hip-hop producer from London, who released stuff on the Puma Strut label. He posted those pics on his MySpace page, and they're probably still there. I doubt he would sell is stuff. If someone would want to make sure it's NOT a scam, I recommend sending him an e-mail on MySpace.

His girl's hot.
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