New NIN Video - Hardcore Synth Porn

I can't say much for the track, but this [35mb QT] new Nine Inch Nails video is the very highest quality synth porn, with keyboard player Alessandro Cortini playing a white-faced ARP Oddysey and what looks like a Buchla 200e. Geek quiz: Can anyone identify this bit of software, which flashes on screen briefly? (Thanks to Peter on the Analogue Heaven board)
UPDATE: Eagle-eyed reader Randel has spotted that software is Digidesign's D-Show, which is a high-end live audio application. Next time you tweak a knob, dear reader, think of Randel in Connecticut and say "Cheers!"

Not sure how to tweak "nobs" but hello to Randel all the same. Procude any good Parallax albums lately?
Procude = produce. Not even reviewing your comments is a foolproof plan against tyopopos
That song sounds 90% guitar based with synths buried way back in the mix (save for the Arp Oddy bit).

It's not 1990 anymore Trent, you won't get bottles tossed at you if you make Electronic music.
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