DJ Frank has spent 3 years buying vinyl in West Africa

Here's a fantastic preview trailer for a documentary about New York DJ Frank, who has spent much of the last 3 years collecting old vinyl in Africa, where "People burn records, because for them it's an old format". He's trying to track down the fruits of the '70s African funk boom, before all the vinyl decays or gets lost, and meeting the people who made the records along the way. Much of the music is on Frank's Voodoo Funk blog.

(sort of) related - Tony Allen, the drummer for Fela Kuti was interviewed last week on the Culture show. The interview is slightly cringeworthy, but is worth watching for Allen making a really complex sounding rhythm look effortless ;)
Thanx for featuring my blog!
The mix page you linked to doesn't contain any of my mixes but those of another Frank.

For my mixes, just go to and check the archive for posts that end with "MP3".


Oops, sorry Frank, fixed it now...
Really, they're burning records in West Africa? How come we haven't got that kind of technology yet?
That looks incredible! Thanks for sharing it!
I must admit I am very ignorant of this style of music, but just want to give Frank a round of applause for trying to perserve something like this!!

I wish you best of luck on this, and keep it up.
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