Back at the start of September, a guy calling himself Jp22 posted this thread on the forums. It was an innocent but badly spelt question about guitar recording, but Jp22 showed such a heroic combination of ignorance, confusion and utter belief in his own rightness that it's attracted over 14,000 views and 154 follow-ups and is getting linked to all over the place. Sample quotes: "I do use compressors/limiters, but not to control the dynamic range. I use EQ for that." and "If you read my post properly, you'd have noticed that I explained how important the L-R speaker positioning was in relation to the pan pots. This is know as the crossover frequency." Anyone know who Jp22 is? He says he runs the "The Box" studio, Minnesota, USA. (Thanks Dave) (Image created by Voidoid Surrealist)