Awesome/crazy synth video

I've mentioned the apparently-dodgy Club of the Knobs before. But now they've posted some ace videos of an event they held in Lisbon last year, with an indian classical dancer triggering sounds from a huge modular synth. 'Destruction' is particularly good, but the best thing of all is the pony-tailed dude who wears white gloves before touching his synth. (Thanks Fmass)

Erm, what beat is she dancing to?
White Gloves???

That's like taking a shower with a raincoat on!
heh, reminds me of this in a way. only I don't think we were QUITE so pretentious...
Hey Alex, that video is awesome. Not sure about the venue (I guess Primark was booked) but really liked the music.
hehe, yep its a clothes shop in Middlesbrough. As you do.
Alex, that video's amazing!
Have you got any more information on exactly what she was triggering and what you were playing, etc?
thanks! theres a thread at EM411 about it:

I should clarify on me "composed the tune as we went" - I mean I was arranging the tune from the loops.
who let the dork in?
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