Club of the Knobs

Being British, and all, I was tremendously amused when Dave wrote to tell me about a Portugese/German company called "Club of the Knobs". When I'd stopped giggling, I discovered they make modular synths, and promote performances of modular synthing, weird movie watching and Indian dancing, which all seems good. However, synth guru Kevin Lightner has worked with The Knobs, and posted this page warning people about them - seems the build quality of their modules is dodgy (they're not that cheap), and they've been 'borrowing' some other people's designs, Behringer-style. In the interest of fairness, here's a quote from the Knobs website: "Not everyone who wears a glitter dress can be elvis. Eventhough all of them were producing sounds, but no one has been so completely like a moog from the 900's series." Deep.

Looks like God almighty has deleted that page of warning
I´ve seen them in Frankfurt and I think they are indeed authentic and I can not follow your criticism on the built quality! It looked and felt just perfect to me really.

One thing I'd like to know though:

Whose design do you think they are stealing? (They say it is the original Moog design (patents have expired so it is free now )and they have done some modules on their own.
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