G-WR Week Part 3: The Man and his Machines

This page lists the 70+ instruments that Godfried has built, most of which he invented. In 1971 he built the Dodekadent - a 12 voice modular synth with over 200 controls, but he soon moved on to weirder stuff like Singing Bicyclies, Talking Flames, and the Pneumaphones, strange new wind instruments powered by people jumping or sitting on giant air-filled cushions (top left pic). In the '90s he started building a robot orchestra of electro-mechanical instruments, ranging from an automated sousaphone to a midi-controlled rain machine.
Godfried and friends perform with these instruments in as the M&M Ensemble, in their specially built 150-seat auditorium, The Tetrahedron in Ghent. Their next concert is on Tuesday 15th March 2005. Flights to Brussels (one hour from Ghent) cost £76.80 from London, around $450 from NYC, or Eurostar goes direct from London to Ghent for £119.


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