G-WR Week: Part 2: The Invisible Instrument

Here’s Godfried using The Invisible Instrument, a kind of giant theremin which uses either radar or sonar waves to translate a performer’s movements into music. There’s a very technical explanation here, complete with schematics. Godfried has used the invisible instrument in a number of his performance pieces over the years, including Songbook illustrated above, and the ongoing electronic opera TechnoFaustus, which also uses "pressure transducers, contact microphones, acceleration-sensing devices, pyroelectric transducers... and 1 to 3 naked techno or break dancers".


As always, we're diggin' your theremin findings! Posted a link this article from Thereminworld. Cheers!
Actually this isn't a new thing. In the 50's or so there were a troupe of Theremin dancers. They created this thing for the "black dancers" to show off their stuff on stage and it made some funky amazing theremin magic. What g-d is doing is cool but it is still important to note that this was done previously probably not with radar or sonar though :-)
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