Dave has two Jupiters!

I've noticed the start of an insidious and unpleasant trend. People have started sending me bragging emails. Knowing that I a) like expensive gear and b) have none, they send me messages and pictures like this one, from Dave: "Hi there. Today I replaced my slightly broken Jupiter-8 with a nice mint-condish one, and before sending the old one out for repairs and eventual sale, I had my kid snap this fun pic of me. Two Jupiter-8s in my hands at once...ahhh..." Thanks, Dave.
Then there was this from Phill in Los Angeles: "My dad just got an email from a friend of his which read in part: I want to get rid of a lot of equipment. If you want it, you can have it: Juno 106 Synth, Proteus World Synth, E-Mu Sampler, Yamaha TG77, MOTU MIDI interface... This is probably a good deal, right?" Thanks, Phill.

Oh yeah well brandon has 4 Fender Rhodes. Even one of those jupiters would be nice though...
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