"And this is where they wrote 'Computer Love'...."

Kraftwerk are as much about their gear as they are their music, and theres so much information out there that I wouldn't know where to begin with a 'Kraftwerk week' (scary thought). One of my favourite pieces of Kraftwerk equipment has to be this amazing limited edition pocket calculator that was sold on one of their tours. Its one of the lesser known Casio VL-Series 'synths' ( I've got a VL-Tone, but foolishly took it apart) and is my kind of music gear: Very small, cheap, plastic and sounding like one of those annoying greetings cards that plays happy birthday when it's opened...except with a crude sequencer to forge your own classic synth-pop epic (probably with wristwatch drum machine backing). Pity its not an 'ebay of the day'.....In a quest for a relevant picture to accompany this post, I happened upon this beauty on the website for BMS Audio, a German company who seem to specialise in audio equipment for various industrial applications....(power station....geddit?) which opens up a whole world of 'audio equipment that wasn't designed for music making'.......

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