So, there's this guy called Leon Gruenbaum from New York. He's 40, he's in a band called Math Camp, and he's just re-invented the keyboard. He's taken one of those ergonomic PC keyboards and messed with it (and spray painted it) so that it's a MIDI keyboard. Rather than playing notes, each key changes the pitch of the existing note. So... press one key and it might jump up two notes in a scale. Another key might make it jump down three notes. Press loads of keys really fast, and you get very convincing widdly-widdly guitar solos, as this (53mb) video demonstrates. Oh yes, the keyboard is called: 'Samchillian Tip Tip Tip Cheeepeeeee'. Selected quote from Marvin Minsky? "Probably does everything except what you want it to do." (Thanks Mikey!)