AES: Tranzport little jog-wheel thingy

It's got a terrible name, but Frontier Design's Tranzport looks nice and is probably a little bit useful. It's a little wireless box (wireless like your mouse is wireless, not 802.11 wireless) that you can use to control your computer sequencer. So, when you're half way across the room playing your Bazantar, you can still press record without slipping a disk. No word on pricing yet, but with that nice design and a little LCD, it ain't going to be cheap.

Actually the Tranzport should sell around $199. It's a cool little piece with a variety of functions. Example, uyou are tracking your guitar in the other room -just take the Tranzport with you and you can "hit the record button" remotely. I was a bit skeptical when I first saw it but it really is cool and intuitive. It recieved the Pro Audio Review award at AES.

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