RozzoBianca is the best all-robot band yet

RozzoBianca is a Swiss "Robotical Freak Show" - a band with 4 different robots playing guitar, drums, megaphone and accordion made out of old industrial parts, controlled by MIDI, plus a singing skeleton. All RozzoBianca's videos are worth watching. This one has a great performance by the robotic megaphone, and a particularly scary bit from the drummer, Fredy Fantastico, who is way cooler than PEART, or even Yellow Drum Machine. More robot action. (Thanks, George)

In a similar vain, you should check out Captured! By Robots, a band of robots with extreme contempt for their enslaved frontman and the human race in general.
One would think that if they were going to go to all the trouble, they would have written some better music.
The Captured by Robots Guy is also an ordained minister who sometimes will wed people as a part of his show,
and one of my friends got hitched at a show about 2 years ago.
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