Chimera BC8: an 8-knob synth with a built-in sequencer for £75

Chimera Synthesis have a new thing: The Chimera BC-8 is a shrunken version of the BC16 - the cute little handheld modular. From the preliminary spec sheet: "bC8 contains a stereo headphone amplifier connected to a 24bit / 48KHz digital to analog converter (same unit as used in the bC16). A powerful DSP generates a VCO and LFO (similar to the bC16), also the DSP performs VCF and VCA functions as well controlling the patching of functions to each other and running a simple but powerful ‘ one button’ pattern sequencer. bC8 is controlled by eight rotary knobs and one push-button. Four LED’s indicate battery status, LFO and EG level and other mode elements. bC8 pattern sequencer records the timing/duration of the button presses and all the knob settings for each action, these can be altered live for acid loops etc…" Sounds like a lot of fun for £75, competing perhaps with something like the Korg Kaosscilator. More details as they arrive. Shipping later this month, apparently... (Thanks, Brad)

This looks like an interesting device but my experience thus far with BC means that whilst I fully believe that he'll take your money for this device this month you'll likely not get anything shipped - or any updates or communication regarding your order - for several months.
I second this. Intersting designs, I've yet to meet anyone who actually got their hands on one. Too bad. Buyer beware.
Just out of interest, for anyone that got their BC-16 would you recomend it? Have you had much use from it - is it fun? Fun enough to buy a BC8?
Yes. I purchased one in earnest. After a month, no word, only promises that the thing was gonna be shipped. After three months and may firm emails, he finally refunded my money. He seems honest enough, but just overwhelmed.
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