Laptop orchestras from around the world

A selection of laptop orchestras from around the globe:
1) PLOrk: The Princeton Laptop Orchestra (video)
2) The Tokyo Laptop Orchestra (video)
3) The London College of Communications Laptop Orchestra
4) The Seattle Laptop Orchestra
5) The Toshiba-funded virtual Laptop Orchestra (video)
6) The Moscow Laptop Orchestra (video)
7) The Berlin Laptoporchester (video)
Got any more? (Thanks, Josh!)


i'm a big fan of experimental music, especially with much people involved. Thad said, I watched almost every clip but i'm still unimpressed.
Say, why can't they just make music for they called themselves an "ochestra? I'm very much into experimental music, but (like one commentator said): it sounds like sounds from Sputnik.
IMHO: So many people, so much gear, such a poor output.
cheers - dirk
there is one more to mention,

even if its not an orcestra, but can be considered more like a laptop-jamsession. so i think it fits in the broader sense...

name it as you like, i'm still disappointed. Maybe I'm not experimental enough. See, I'm kind of a laptopmusician myself (though I'm currently using an iMac) but the jammsessions i know have more in common with "music".
Maybe its a question of taste. In my mother-tongue there is an phrase "you can't argue about taste" ("über Geschmack lässt sich nicht streiten").
So it seems, it's only not my cup of tea.
Princeton's got one- check "All Things Considered" on NPR for a related interview (last week, I think.)
CRAP... I'm blind... it's at the top of your list. My apologies... To make up for it, here's the NPR story on PLORK.

the peachtree industrial midi orchestra
from atlanta, GA
Theere is also the "EBE" (European Bridges Ensemble), based in -- you guessed it -- Europe has a lot of info on them as well as PowerbooksUnPlugged
How curious are YOU!
M.I.M.E.O. (Music im Movement Electronic Orchestra)
Aktiv: '90, '00
Genres: Free Improvisation
Bandmitglieder / Künstler: Marcus Wettstein, Christian Fennesz, Peter Rehberg, Jerome Noetinger
Veröffentlichungen: "The Hands of Caravaggio," "M.I.M.E.O. (Music im Movement Electronic Orchestra)," "Electric Chair + Table"
The EMU Laptop Ensemble
at the University of Ulm:
helsinki computer orchestra. sorry, their home page seem to be non-existing at the moment..
toy laptop quartet (satirical)
40 million performances around the world. Dr. Ge Wang takes stage: Also assistant professor in Stanford. Directs laptop orchestra and mobile phone orchestra.N
Here's another laptop orchestra: BLOrk [Boulder Laptop Orchestra) in Boulder, Colorado. Visit: -jg
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