Daft Punk's samples: A visual aid

Inspired by my current love of really old stories, but also by Palms Out Sounds fantastic post about Daft Punk samples (and by Ishkur, the mothership of all sample spots) I just put together this clip of the samples used on various tracks from Discovery and 'Robot Rock'. My thoughts, in order, were:
1) "Oh, well. Ha! That explains how they spend so much time being cool and making robot heads"
2) "Still, I could sample these tracks all day long, and it wouldn't sound like 5% of Daft Punk"
3) "OMFG! 'Release the Beast!' What a record! Why can't all music sound like this?"

explains why Discovery and Human After All suck compared to Homework.
Why? Because they're full of cool samples rather than boring 909 tweaking?
Discovery is an amazing album, but Human After All is just ok. I had no idea they sample such huge fragments from other songs. I guess they aren't as huge musical geniuses as I thought, still pretty awesome
It's pretty amazing robots can do this kind of thing at all!
Daft Punk rocks, ironic though how some things as good as they sound you find out are made in fruity loops,Ejay, or MTV music generator. I wonder if they used an MPC?
nice vid! but just so you know - ishkur wasnt my source.
I absolutely love Daft Punk. I got to see them live once. One of the best shows I've been to. Very tight and very full sound. It can be hard to pull it off live. I've seen The Orb, Chemical Brothers, 808 State and others. Daft Punk was my personal favorite. BTW, check out this jacket. It just screams Daft Punk to me. I want to see them wearing it in a video.
You can't talk about Daft Punk... They are like God. If someone doesn't like them, he doesn't understand anything of music... so... shut up.
love daft punk. i first heard these tracks (the sample sources) a few months ago, and the only thing i felt was that i wish i would have heard the source material sooner, those tunes are killer. almost make me enjoy discovery more. and of course the movie is worth seeing too.

- 13
Interesting, I just wish the segments of the original's in the video were a bit longer.
i guess i'm an old fashioned ROCKIST, but damn if they didn't just copy those songs outright.

There's no weird juxtaposition of songs and eras like "Paul's Boutique" or Public Enemy, just straight copying...

The songs ARE still hot, but it does cut into their "authenticity" a bit. For what it's worth anymore...

I believe sometime around "Discovery" they were written-off by the hardcore dance-types as being de-facto mainstream and 'overproduced'. (Remember that credit card you got with Discovery?)

I think they went all-gnarly after that, stripping down their sound + image for "Human After All", which is quite an acerbic record!

Great post Tom.

I'm not a massive fan but its cool even if all they have done is introduce people to the originals. I've been introduced to so much cool music through hearing samples and wanting to find the original source material.
Who cares about samples and ripping. Daft Punk could take ANYTHING and make a way better track than any of you could. Or most electronic musicians for that matter. They just have the skillz. Don't knock 'em for finding some of the sickest samples ever. Praise them.
I'm baffled by most of these comments, and same thing over at Palms Out... did you people think these weren't samples or something? Odd.
As much as I <3 MusicThing and Daft Punk, shame on you Tom, whis is common knowledge...
These tunes have been around for half a decade and a world of cratediggers has only just spotted the samples.

I guess if something doesn't come on a CD with "Best breaks in the world ever" on it most people don't bother looking too hard for their source material.
Yup, this is old news, I do like daft punk but their reliance on such large and obvious samples did shock me when I first found out, the fact that the samples have barely been changed from the original songs left me feeling a bit let down. Of course I had always known that they sampled, but had thought it was more discrete and creative.

BUT then when listening to their tracks after knowing this it struck me that there is a fair bit more work in their stuff (ok apart from Robot Rock!)

Of course there are many other tracks by Daft Punk which use samples too.

I also heard that during the time that Human After All was being made they were going through difficult times and were not happy with how the album turned out, but it got released anyway.

Regardless of all this though Thomas Bangalter is a genius and Homework is a landmark album.

Their influence is huge and they don't need to rely on the samples for their music to stand up, if you don't like them fine but you can't deny that people will still be listening to them in 20 years time.
I'm not a massive fan but its cool even if all they have done is introduce people to the originals

How did they introduce people to the originals, did Palms Out just copy the sample list from the back of the CD?

Face it, Daft Punk is just the next phase in the tradition of Moby and Elvis: Uncreative rape of (black, largely) music history, leaving others to actually pay tribute and expose the unsung heroes.
a l averga daft punk e sla puta ley y se callan aunque sampleen cosas esos cabrones rifan, en sus performacnes en vivo tambien se la rifan y si no les gusta pus valen verga :)

if you can undestand this click here here
yeh its all very well to say 'its all a sample'

if you're so f clever, then do it yourself and lets see how good the result is..

yeh even i was shocked how big some of the samples are..but hey even Massive Attack do this kind of sampling...it's valid..hey ANYTHING is so long as it works!
..and perlease

there is no ripping off black music conspiracy here..hundreds of black artists are guilty of the same thing..start with Timbaland

thats a plain retarded statement..ALL artists of all cultures 'steal' from eachother in all kinds of ways
I personally adore Daft Punk. I saw them at Coachella last year and it was a completely transcendent experience. And Discovery is a freaking great album.

As to the issue of whether the sampling situation makes them better or worse, I say better. Sampling, even large bits, doesn't make something inherently less great. Daft Punk is clearly capable of making something that sounds better than the sum of its parts. And I really respect that.
Can I just add www.the-breaks.com for anything sample related
Without sampling, we wouldn't have a lot of great music. However, based on this video (nice work btw), these seem to be more like cover tunes. Did they change the track titles from the originals?
Haha!! I love how everyone freaks out over the used samples. Everyone does it. Rap artists, hiphop artists, dance.. I mean look at DJ Shadow. His entire songs are nothing but samples. Believe it or not, this is a art form.

I like to write my own hooks, but you have to realize not everyone can do it. That's why there are artists like Autecure. They can program like a mad monkey on coke, but can't write a hook to save their lives.
Great movie, great post, and great thread.

Stare at a blank page, canvas, or cd and then decide what to put on it.

Measuring the precise number strokes to the bare canvas does not quantify artistic value.

Blues music was influenced by as many different sources as it has gone on to influence. Take away spanish (flamenco ntm the guitar itself) and english (esp. tudor) musical traditions and you would never have had the blues form.

Traditional Blues music is boring. Go back and listen to some. Blues guys stealing each-others licks is sampling with primitive technology.

Can you imagine if these same loops were sampled by Dr. Dre? Sampling is truly an art when you think of how diverse the end results are.

One thing which struck me was the disparity between the futuristic and electronic feel of Daft Punk and that of the "original" retro and analog sample sources.

Daft Punk were part of a French House Filtered-Funk scene which ground a musical formula to exhaustion. Homework was fresh and genius but I haven't seen any comparable innovations from them since.

If you really want your bubble burst try watching a scene from a Hollywood movie being filmed. Remember: A cake is made of alot of boring flour and eggs.

Lastly, none of you own any of those records anyway. Right?

DJ McManus
Great articulate post followed by some random pointless moron.
Another way to look at it is to imagine Daft Punk as an explicitly postmodern band.

I mean, the whole robot thing and the way they do their live shows, it's like these alien robots have taken our earth music and in an attempt to learn about it have given us their alien robot versions. And that's fair.

I also like that even though the samples are diverse (Manilow???), the Daft Punk versions all sound unmistakably like Daft Punk. That's what makes them awesome.
I sample...but I must admit that it is hard when the only reason someone likes your song is due to the underlying sample. It makes it feel a bit cheap to me....especially in this case. In hip-hop, I guess everyone just accepts sampling and it is part of the appeal. But, once I heard that my favorite parts in the daft punk stuff were just samples... I felt like it was a bit cheap. However, it is still produced well and it is 1000 better than I can do it. release the beast is awesome though...jeez.
I'll take the originals, thank you very much.
I love you, TOM!! Best post ever! =]

And dude... that Barry Manilow song is really catchy, but really embarassing to listen...
Anonymous said..."Yup, this is old news"...indeed it is.

Anonymous said..."That's why there are artists like Autecure" it's Autechre and yes they can't write a hook to save their lives but from what we have learnt here it doesn't seem like our french counterparts can either.

Marcelo Teson said..."Sampling, even large bits, doesn't make something inherently less great."... Well I have fresh news for you Marcelo, it does make it inherently less great and can even get you into trouble.
"but from what we have learnt here it doesn't seem like our french counterparts can either."

Haha, yes.
The suggestion that this is old news is in fact old news, given the first line of the article.
It just isn't the same thing, even if it comes from somewhere else, in this new place its a whole new thing.

You wouldn't have had the old recording without the new one referencing it. You wouldn't listen to the old one without having heard the new one. You certainly wouldn't listen to the old one in the same way or even have looked at those specific parts.

Some people here just can't get their heads around that.

Autechre are a total joke. I'll take a clever rework of great music that works over a dull and geeky attempt to avoid sounding like anything musical ever recorded.

These guys do write hooks. Try listening to they're stuff again. Especially when they hake hooks out of a part of someone else's groove.
"You wouldn't have had the old recording without the new one referencing it. You wouldn't listen to the old one without having heard the new one. You certainly wouldn't listen to the old one in the same way or even have looked at those specific parts."

This makes NO sense whatsoever.
Sure it does.

Do you already have those records? no
Would you have checked them out without Daft Punk having sampled them? no
Would you have listened to those same parts? no
Would you have listened to them the same way and seen their potential as loops? no

Unless you already had that exact loop up on your MPC and were producing records ten years ago then STFU.
Exactly! ^^^^^

People think this is so easy to do and don't respect the fact that these guys chose those samples out of all of the recorded music that has ever been made.

You didn't and if its so easy and obvious then why aren't you doing it too?

Do you guys think that record came with sampling directions in the sleeve notes? That on the vinyl there are already cue in and cue out points already setup?
"don't respect the fact that these guys chose those samples out of all of the recorded music that has ever been made."

Wow. I was totally unaware that Daft Punk has listened to "all of recorded music."

What a brain trust around here....
I think its really cool how they came up with those loops. I would have sampled those songs in a different way. Never would have thought of Barry Manilow either.

the samples go from very obvious (Robot Rock) to hard to even pick their use...

by the end my faith was restored..they know exactly what they're doing...and they rock
The movie should have played the entire songs, or the entire albums, or shown the records sitting in the bins among thousands and thousands of other records. It could have also shown the process Daft Punk went through in deciding on those exact loops. Then maybe some of you would appreciate the process more than simply having it all handed to you this way.

Then there's all the work in constructing Daft Punk's songs and making those loops come to life in a whole new way.

Its a good point that they could have chosen anything to sample. There's so much out there to choose from.

The movie is biased and the haters are jealous.
Anonymous (obviously) said: "the movie is biased"
Hmm... My review of 'Discovery' on the cover of Mixmag was 'the greatest album ever'...
The artists got paid, Daft Punk made some cool tunes. What's the problem?



You know, life would be much easier if you Anonymous douche bags would at least sign off with a name. Just click "other" and put one in. It's not required to provide a web page address. Maybe people will actually respect your opinion if you had a distinct voice.

I'm all for DJ McManus and the others who pointed it out. People have been doing this forever and you're entitled to your opinion. There isn't an entirely fine line between sampling and ripping off in a lot of music and a lot of times it depends on the view of the person when it goes into "rip off" territory. Some people feel that just throwing in a segment and adding an envelope filter or reverb counts, or using the same melody but adding complex beat patterns. I'm all for any type of sampling at long as credit is given where it's due. Even in that case it's not the artist's fault if he/she gives the person credit and most of his/her ignorant listeners don't realize that he/she's sampling from other works. I'm sure that accounts for most mainstream hip hop fans.

How about we all stop complaining and start making music (sampled or not)?
Wow! I haven't seen such a vigorous debate on here since the good old days of the "gay 80's rocker pants" drum machine.

I've enjoyed most of the posts and all the different perspectives. Surprised I haven't heard - "They ripped off McGruff the crime dog in their video!"

As a DJ, I find their sampling as kind of an inspiration to do my own re-edits and remixes. I'd like to humbly suggest that what they do is much more creative than that. I think Daft Punk have their own distinct style of producing predominantly sample based music. I wouldn't want to push them to layer multiple sample sources in order to "earn" the label of musician.

I really like what they do and since they have their own style I might humbly suggest that as a mark of them being artists foremost, and musicians as category of artist.

Just a suggestion to contribute to the conversation. Please don't insult my mother or dog or 80's rocker pants.
Autechre are a total joke. I'll take a clever rework of great music that works over a dull and geeky attempt to avoid sounding like anything musical ever recorded.

How ridiculous. I think most people who mentioned Autechre in this thread are seriously misguided as to what Autechre's goals are. They certainly don't try to produce catchy pop tunes with hooks and memorable lyrics, nor do I think they specifically aim to be 'non-musical'. Reading some of their interviews, it seems they aim to push the envelope in terms of their own compositional methods and the usage of hardware/software.

If they were trying to make music as in 'catchy tunes you can dance to' then they would fail miserably. As 'music as texturally rich, stimulating listening material' they produce diamonds in spades.

(how's that for a mixed metaphor? ;)
Eh, I agree with the comments of the Blauthor.

Also, Palms Out Sounds says that they sampled "Supernature" for "Veridis Quo". Sure, they sound similar, but I don't hear any overt sampling at all.
I've got nothing to say about this, and I am saying it.
You act like this is news? The fact that Daft Punk uses samples has been know since...well...since as far back as i can remember.
Daft Punk making new music from these samples is WHY they are so successful. They hear music differently than most and produce some of the most amazing tracks with their Chops and Loops.

Oh and seriously... The people that say Daft Punk sucks obvously don't know the names behind the Robot Helmets and are just jealous of their talent.

For Lovers / Haters...
i am releasing a mix especially dedicated to Daft tracks and celebrating the golds used/sampled...
check it out soon on

Anonymous@11:51AM is not totally wrong.

IMHO, here it is more than "sampling" in some cases.

Since they credited/payed the original author, it's ok.

BUT, I think that when a large part of your song comes from another one, as an artist you "have to" notice it in the trackname (eg Daft Punk VS foo - bar) or something else.

Please don't say that they are making promotion of these old tracks.
And also please don't answer "you can't do the same so shut up", it's stupid.

I like Daft Punk music, but I feel a bit fooled (btw, it is not the first time I am disappointed by a similar story).

In short, sampling is ok but :
- it is better when it's a matter of short samples (like in aerodynamic), not full patterns
- when you use large parts of an song (~when the old song is clearly recognisable during >10s) so that the new one is partially based on it, it is fair to keep the original track/artist name.
Daft Punk responds
FINALLY, someone calls these fakes out! They're a pure gimmick. Did anyone ever see them in the GAP commercial? You can tell these white boys can't even dance or move their bodies. They lack the soul and funk, but they have an ear for jacking.

They are the epitome of the acceptance of the lazy new era. Lets also get one thing straight, sampling HIP HOP is ONE THING, it was BASED ON THAT. Djs looping records, and mcs toasting the crowd, PERIOD. THATS HIP HOP.

Electronic music until the 90's was for the most part COMPOSED LIVE, and it sounds better when you have a REAL 808 or a REAL 909 connected to massive gear to playing your ORIGINAL COMPOSITIONS. Their music doesn't move, it moves like they dance, stiff, no swing.

They don't got flow, they aren't original, and they've been marketing the same 3-4 songs for over 10 YEARS, and have just now been starting to see some major success. It's obvious that this is the ONLY thing they can do, and there's a bunch of white people putting money into this.

You don't see no black people at their shows. And who the hell can really feel the music at a 15,000 people show? Plus it's DIGITAL???? Anyone saying they feel it, are on E and dance like flopping fishes to their mundane loops.

White people love nothing more than when other white people touch on something funky or soulful, especially if it's european. They want to be black, and it kills them that they can't be, because they can't get down like that.

They essentially have a half ass light show, and then press play on a pre-recorded mix from a LAPTOP, then pose on huge stage. They couldn't pull this show off in L.A. at a 500 people show, that shit would be stupid, cause they got no real funk. They're whole mystique would be stripped, especially when niggas is in the house.

At one point they were playing AIR GUITAR. People call these guys genius?

That's ridiculous.

The reality is, real disco, funk, electro r and b is made with REAL INSTRUMENTS, and you compose and play it live. Not cause your supposed to, but because for 1, it's ORIGINAL, 2, it SOUNDS BETTER, 3, you have more control and express more. Daft Punk's music for the exception of 3-4 songs, are horendous loops that have no movement whatsoever.

They represent the epitome of the instant gratification era of young kids who get their music from itunes and have no history in music. Now this ed banger shit is following it, this hollow, super digital, unpleasant sound which people are more attracted to cause of neon colors and images of slut rock bullshit, even though we all know they got little white boy dicks, and there never be any women at their shows!!!

Mark my word, this will end soon, and the new phase of black electro LIVE take over is coming from L.A.

I'm sorry to be so vulgar about it, but when black people get into analog electronic music again, making ORIGINAL MUSIC AGAIN, and these fake black artist like timbaland, kanye, 3 6 mafia, 50 cent, stop getting praise in the hood, and niggas start DANCING AGAIN, then things will get better.

It's very simple if you just look at the pattern. The jewish controlled media make sure egocentric cheap black artist get the spotlight so they lead the young black generation to a pitfall. They won't put the real innovative black artist on the spotlight now, it's revelation time baby, kids will bite that, and that WILL be a new revolution.

We aint ROBOTS, we PEOPLE.

We all know that young black people are very strong when they grab on to the right thing. Today they talking about cars jewels and bullshit.

All of the classic soul music and struggle of the inner city from the 70's and 80's is near forgotten because of the MTV / BET media people who fuel this ignorance which other black people follow who make ridiculously simpleminded music which dishonors earlier black art movements.

Daft punk plays off of peoples ignorance. They also use lights to subdue simple minded people who have no history or knowledge in music. These same people also aren't offended by this bullshit because they don't see the degradation and tactics used to redefine the truth of what is.


make original music
use analog devices
don't be so lazy
go to the record store talk to people
kill your ipod
kill your tv

the best sampling is when you take the sample out of context, not when you jack songs. Listen to some J Dilla if you wanna know about the ART OF SAMPLING. it's about FLIPPING samples, not jacking em, then playing off peoples ignroance. Their integrity is no different than Puff Daddy sampling some obvious loop, same shit, same results, a bunch of unknowing people making a big ass deal about a gimmick.


: )
Yeah, it would be a little nicer for Discovery's and Human After All's songs to be a little bit more original, but I still love them just the same. And still, my favorite song by them is Veridis Quo which is still original Daft Punk music (Or is it? Anybody have something to say about Veridis Quo not being original stuff?).

But on another subject, Interstella 5555 is just wonderful. I have never seen a scriptless Anime before, and combing it with some of my favorite music is incredible.
I don't agree with all the brother two posts above me wrote, but more analog electronic gear and more electro sure gets my juices flowing :)

I think the French boys had 4 Moog Voyager RME's but only used them for audio in filtering, so no fat analog sounds. Oh and yes, really, Behringer controllers (BCR's), all the sound was straight outta laptopland.

Well, it's back to the studio for this white boy to get his non-sampling groove on! ;)
Thanks for the nice post!
For people getting bent out of shape: They are DJs not necessarily original music makers. Did you guys not know what DJs did before this shocking expose? hah

I think it's cool, I would never had heard these songs without Daft Punk.
Anonymous said...
FINALLY, someone calls these fakes out! They're a pure gimmick. Did anyone ever see them in the GAP commercial? You can tell these white boys can't even dance or move their bodies. They lack the soul and funk, but they have an ear for jacking.

They are the epitome of the acceptance of the lazy new era. Lets also get one thing straight, sampling HIP HOP is ONE THING, it was BASED ON THAT. Djs looping records, and mcs toasting the crowd, PERIOD. THATS HIP HOP.

Electronic music until the 90's was for the most part COMPOSED LIVE, and it sounds better when you have a REAL 808 or a REAL 909 connected to massive gear to playing your ORIGINAL COMPOSITIONS. Their music doesn't move, it moves like they dance, stiff, no swing.

They don't got flow, they aren't original, and they've been marketing the same 3-4 songs for over 10 YEARS, and have just now been starting to see some major success. It's obvious that this is the ONLY thing they can do, and there's a bunch of white people putting money into this.

You don't see no black people at their shows. And who the hell can really feel the music at a 15,000 people show? Plus it's DIGITAL???? Anyone saying they feel it, are on E and dance like flopping fishes to their mundane loops.

White people love nothing more than when other white people touch on something funky or soulful, especially if it's european. They want to be black, and it kills them that they can't be, because they can't get down like that.

They essentially have a half ass light show, and then press play on a pre-recorded mix from a LAPTOP, then pose on huge stage. They couldn't pull this show off in L.A. at a 500 people show, that shit would be stupid, cause they got no real funk. They're whole mystique would be stripped, especially when niggas is in the house.

At one point they were playing AIR GUITAR. People call these guys genius?

That's ridiculous.

The reality is, real disco, funk, electro r and b is made with REAL INSTRUMENTS, and you compose and play it live. Not cause your supposed to, but because for 1, it's ORIGINAL, 2, it SOUNDS BETTER, 3, you have more control and express more. Daft Punk's music for the exception of 3-4 songs, are horendous loops that have no movement whatsoever.

They represent the epitome of the instant gratification era of young kids who get their music from itunes and have no history in music. Now this ed banger shit is following it, this hollow, super digital, unpleasant sound which people are more attracted to cause of neon colors and images of slut rock bullshit, even though we all know they got little white boy dicks, and there never be any women at their shows!!!

Mark my word, this will end soon, and the new phase of black electro LIVE take over is coming from L.A.

I'm sorry to be so vulgar about it, but when black people get into analog electronic music again, making ORIGINAL MUSIC AGAIN, and these fake black artist like timbaland, kanye, 3 6 mafia, 50 cent, stop getting praise in the hood, and niggas start DANCING AGAIN, then things will get better.

It's very simple if you just look at the pattern. The jewish controlled media make sure egocentric cheap black artist get the spotlight so they lead the young black generation to a pitfall. They won't put the real innovative black artist on the spotlight now, it's revelation time baby, kids will bite that, and that WILL be a new revolution.

We aint ROBOTS, we PEOPLE.

We all know that young black people are very strong when they grab on to the right thing. Today they talking about cars jewels and bullshit.

All of the classic soul music and struggle of the inner city from the 70's and 80's is near forgotten because of the MTV / BET media people who fuel this ignorance which other black people follow who make ridiculously simpleminded music which dishonors earlier black art movements.

Daft punk plays off of peoples ignorance. They also use lights to subdue simple minded people who have no history or knowledge in music. These same people also aren't offended by this bullshit because they don't see the degradation and tactics used to redefine the truth of what is.


make original music
use analog devices
don't be so lazy
go to the record store talk to people
kill your ipod
kill your tv

the best sampling is when you take the sample out of context, not when you jack songs. Listen to some J Dilla if you wanna know about the ART OF SAMPLING. it's about FLIPPING samples, not jacking em, then playing off peoples ignroance. Their integrity is no different than Puff Daddy sampling some obvious loop, same shit, same results, a bunch of unknowing people making a big ass deal about a gimmick.


: )

7:22 AM

another black person on drugs.... great, just what the world needed.

500 people shows, HA! why bother only your worthless smalltime wannabe rap artists manage that many.
Ever wonder why daft punk pull 30,000 people to their live shows?
must be doing something right.

your in the minority... once again.
everyone hating on this shit is an idiot, especially our mr. black power musical revolution.

if you plan on talking shit on simple, repetitive, loop-based music, you should really look into the history of your own culture, specifically indigenous african tribal music, which is generally entirely loop based. it is practically our nature as humans to create loop-based compositions.

there's really no difference between every band today that just rips off music of the past with real instruments and guys like daft punk. daft punk just takes the straight sound instead of trying to reinvent it. the sound they want has already been created, so why change it into some shitty recycled guitar part or a crappy synthesizer loop?
oh and j dilla?


well... it is quite disapponitng to find out that some of major Daft's songs were practically stolen...but ...is that a reason to hate on them? They knew when and how to bring to life some stuff that was forgotten...And it is all good...Why should that be bad? Maybe some of us would never hear about those original tracks if Daft didn't used samples from them?!

You know what m i gonna do now?

Now i'm gonna try to find those original tracks and enjoy listening to them!!!

Peace and fuck that race realated shit...let's enjoy the music...being a racist ain't funky and soulful for sho :)
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