Whistler - the music program for non-musicians

Sp3ccylad writes about MyDreamApp - Pop Idol for geeks. People with ideas for a new software package compete for votes - the winner is produced and marketed. By far the most interesting idea is Richard Whitelock's Whistler - a music application which uses whistling, humming, drumming or clapping as the interface, and can fix timing, quantize notes etc. Seeing as the current front runner in MyDreamApp is Cookbook: "A Mac OS X application that will streamline many kitchen-related activities", I think Whistler deserves our support and votes...

So, giving the GarageBand treatment to the idea of Kantos?

A realtime, streaming audio to midi converter which supports both pitched and unpitched input is a good thing, and not having it permanently yoked to a subtractive synth is an even better thing. Dressing it up as an app for non-musicians is less interesting to me.
other than the bells and whistles (pun intended) it's essentially this: WIDI.
From the WIDI site:

"Imagine the creative potential of a musical mind like Mozart's, and how much more prolific his genius may have been if he had not had to spend all that time writing it down. With a quill pen dipped in ink, no less. Undoubtedly, the creative flow of musicians has been enhanced by digital tools..."

wow, hard to know where to start with this....
Cited in Music thing.

Kill me now: I shall achieve no more.
Wow, great idea for untrained singers, kids learning music, or maybe for just having fun around!
I think you have the title backwards.
This is a NON-music program for musicians. If it ever gets written, many people will become musicians, but until then it's a non-program.

Nice idea, but talk is cheap.
Doing is much harder.
Wow, how can they make writing music any easier? I'm amazed at what has been coming out in this category. maybe they'll make a program where all you'll have to do is think th music. Perhaps they ca put an interface up your nose....HA!
Piano Lessons
Make this a reality! Vote for it NOW:

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