Identify the strange 'music device'

This wonderful thread on EM411 starts with a simple question: "At exactly 2:52 you see the female member of XiuXiu triggering some sort of electronic spoon in a bowl. What is that thing?". After a bit of guesswork, they get the right answer, which might come as a surprise.

I must be a perv because I knew straight off that those were Magic Bullets.
i also must be a perv because i was going to post exactly what the above person said.

also, there is a food processor in north america called "the magic bullet". it still makes me laugh.

vibrator tricks has been used by guitarist for a while. dave navarro, reeves gabriel, and i know for sure a 80's cockrock band did it as well. there are others that i am completely drawing a blank on[i still havent had coffee this morning]
scott cortez from lovesliescrushing is one of the ones i forgot.
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Too funny. Cool video. I think I'm a perve for another reason. 3:01 into it and then some after that. Did I just say that? Doh!
I think Mattias Elkhund has also messed around with certain vibrating devices to get weird sounds out of his guitar
cuz i totally didnt mention vibrating dildo earlier in the thread. totally. O_O
There's a diagram for a similar machine inside the Chapel of the Chimes e.p. - CUH! Where are the Xiu Xiu fans!
oh i was thinkin xuxa
lose the guitar,
just put it away.

and more bowls.
bowls are the new axe.
I´ve seen many many many bad bands on this tv program, but this is one of the worst no doubt lol.

Is taken from a Spanish daily tv/radio show. Every night they have a different band to play, sometimes they bring really good bands, but is not hard to see a couple of guys doing the most incredible ridicule like the vibrator woman and the I can´t sing dude in this video lol.
I have all of Xiu Xiu's works.

Fave lyric: "I like my neighborhood, I like my gun. Driving my little car. I am your girl, and I will protect you."

great song if you know it.

(can't recall if it's like or love in the verse above).

Cool artist. I need to play the music through a compressor tho, for there are abrupt changes that hurt.
Xiu Xiu is amazing. They come to my area a lot and my band has opened for them twice - they're really cool people.

For those living in the US, keep your eyes on small local venues and go see Xiu Xiu. Clowne Towne isn't exactly his best song. Crank Heart is quite the crowd-pleaser.
God, I can't believe I sat through 3' of that melodrama to see a metal bowl rattle. Not ready for such introspection at this hour. Please mute man with veins in his temple, and repost.
i've seen them live a few times. it's a little vibrator, usually called an "egg", being vibrated. they used to not have it set up like that and would hold them by hand and vibrate the bowl.
With the sound down it looks like he's giving it the full Rollins treatment. I was expecting (on turning the sound up) to hear some sort of raging NOIZ.

Imagine my surprise when out of the speakers came a great big snot stained winnie the pooh comfort blanket of twee. Yeuchhh.
an even better question, what is that keyboard that she's playing?
The Microkorg?
No offense...I LOVE Music Thing...I check it every day...but how many YouTube videos can you post? We can all search YouTube ourselves. It's the other little weird instruments and gems and people that you find that I love to see each day.
Actually, I am gateful to Musicthing for posting this, and most all of the other YouTube items. I am wanting to find out more about this band now, and that's a music thing!
been a while since any updates... what's going on MT?
I got into Xiu Xiu, (I believe means sister in Mandrian) for a bit. Later decided it's too emo. It was a guilty pleasure. I didn't want to tell anyone about them.

The live performance is better than what I imagined.
Good lord...and people have the nerve to say that Prog musicians take themselves too seriously.

These wankers take the gateau, biscotti, tortes and any other pretentious bakery confection you care to name.
whats more droll than earnest EMO? EMO with a bit of electronic bleeping and kitchen cuttlery falling about in the background..its a whole new cliche in itself

its so so so so so post post post post modern

hes kind got that coked up sweaty Robin Williams thing going "for" him.
einsturzende neubaten started the vibrator box thing, xiu xiu takes a few cues from them
"been a while since any updates... what's going on MT?"

I've been at a wedding in Scotland wearing a kilt and dancing to violin players.

Back now...
Liked it until the dude started singing. Like, chill and take a poop or something dude you stunk up the mello vibe.
Bunny Gamer.
Oh Caralee, how I love thee <3
Heh - xiu xiu is not emo. Ian Curtis, David Bowie, Brian Eno, Roberto Smitho & Mr. Mozzer are the emos.

Fast Car
He Needs Me
All We Ever Wanted Was Everything

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