Aphex Twin interview in Future Music

There's a typically baffling/silly interview with Aphex Twin in this month's Future Music magazine. When asked for a kit list, he says: "Sure. Raveolution 309, the Raven Max, MC-909 limited edition, Quasimidi Van Helden, MAM Freebass 383, Roland DJ-70, E-15, SP-808, Akai S3200, Behringer MX602A and all the Behringer effects that copy other things." When he's asked which software he uses, he says "UPIC by Xenakis puts almost everything else to shame. It's under 1mb and it shits on everyone." UPIC was a '70s experimental French system developed by Greek composer Iannis Xenakis, which is based on drawing on a graphics tablet. It's somehow connected with CCMIX, where they talk about it running on a Windows 98 system. UPIC seems to have developed into Iannix, which you can download from this page. He also talks about liking Ableton Live, but preferring LiveSlice for beat editing/stretching. He uses Etymotic Research headphones. My favourite Aphex Twin track ever is the demo version of Windowlicker, where you can hear that the whole track is put together with samples of him singing.

he's just trying to be a wiseass. He actually uses Logic Audio Pro on an Intel Mac in a clean smokefree environment.
he also uses a trackball. strange bloke.
liveslice is good, just bought it.
What Aphex uses might have been interesting long ago when such things were actually a mystery. These days there's nothing particularly interesting about his production technique. (although his songwriting is superb, and always has been)

The only thing I'd like to know is how he did all the stuff in SAW II.
that windowlicker demo just sounds like the final version...?
He's always lied about his gear. I have a friend who's sold him some very fine and expensive analog gear, and he is known to have an amazing collection of high end vintage stuff.
I would have thought SAW II would have been the most self-explanatory of albums as to how it was made.

Connect up any mini-key size keyboard (a 'toy' keyboard, eg. Yamaha VSS-30, Casio VL-Tone...) and run it through a delay like the Interruptor.ch Tape Delay VST. Then press some notes - instant SAWII.
that kit list is probably just a bunch of stuff he's trying to sell at the mo'.
by listing it in future music, he knows a shed load of fanboys are going to try and get one of their own so they can say "but this is the gear Aphex uses", when it so obviously isn't, and thus, push prices into silly money :-)

Even if it's a hoax, I'd still like to know where one can download IanniX? The link in the post is just to a text description. Anyone know how to procure IanniX?
"I'd still like to know where one can download IanniX? The link in the post is just to a text description. Anyone know how to procure IanniX?"

Yes, scroll up the page - the link goes to the english description, the download are at the top in the french description.
"What Aphex uses might have been interesting long ago when such things were actually a mystery. These days there's nothing particularly interesting about his production technique. (although his songwriting"

So I take it you knew he used UPIC and have a copy to share with us all... seeing as NOBODY can find it yet, I`ve checked on half a dozen forums and nothing?
Also while your at it could you let us know what equpment he used on Fenix Funk and Xmd from Analord, that`s got to be the richest sounds I`ve heard in an electronic track yet, stunning ?
> So I take it you knew he used UPIC
> and have a copy to share with us
> all... seeing as NOBODY can find it
> yet, I`ve checked on half a dozen
> forums and nothing?

I'm reasonably sure he was joking about UPIC. That would be like saying I make all my music with Raymond Scott's Electronium.

There's this English phrase, perhaps foreign to Americans, called "Taking the piss."
Also while your at it could you let us know what equpment he used on Fenix Funk and Xmd from Analord, that`s got to be the richest sounds I`ve heard in an electronic track yet, stunning ?

hi, richard
Dabrye only runs DOS trackers

I am really pretty sure that Dabrye only uses DOS trackers.

But nowadays there is just so much software stuff in addition to hardware stuff, I think it is impossible to narrow down the newer Aphex Twin sound (but I think I can figure out what was used on something like Polygon Window).
The UPIC is/was a big hardware thing as on the picture,
i think there were a two or three built and they have one of these at CCMIX (not connected though), i have seen it. Sometime later there was an all software version fully developed that is now used instead of the
hardware one. This software is for some reason "highly guarded", has never been sold and exist only at some institutions such as CCMIX. Surprisingly i have never seen it available on the internet. IanniX i think is an attempt to recreate the UPIC, but in its current version it is not really up to it. And i have not seen any development of this software for years. There is a CD on Mode records with music from CCMIX where the UPIC can be heard.
Dont you guys know about the pictures his songs make in the graphics of computers when you play them, its pretty cool like the new backwards masking
while your at it could you let us know what equpment he used on Fenix Funk and Xmd from Analord, that`s got to be the richest sounds I`ve heard in an electronic track yet, stunning ?

You should probably listen to a bit more electronic music. Although I'll pay "richest" as an A-grade pun.
Yes, we all do. :p

Done using Metasynth on the mac.
I know for a fact he has a DevilFished T-303
Richard has some hits and misses. I can't say I like everything by him. I have read his feature in the Wire mag. He said he won't release his best stuff. It really doesn't matter what anyone uses. Everyone has their instrument. Not everyone can make hits.
He said he won't release his best stuff.

I remember reading this when I was much younger, and being kind of awed by it. Now I realise that it's absolute fucking bollocks.
Russell Haswell and Hecker have UPIC as they have performed with it live, Aphex has Dj`d with Haswell, so I`m sure he has got it also.

Agreed, XMD is a pretty awesome song.
Never has one man been adored, reviled, analysed and dismissed in the history of electronic music as we know it. All the comments above prove it...
I hope my comments above don't come off as a dismissal. I still hold him in high regard, as his work is and has been truly original and inspiring for millions.
Does anybody remember Coagula- it was like Metasynth for windows...
I wonder if anybody's going to develop that program more.
Aphex is a legend.
Obviously he`s not perfect, who is ?
Credit where credit is due for fuck sake, just because somebody gets heaps of praise, shouldnt then mean they get a bashing afterwards, that`s shit UK tabloid mentality...jeez

I`d love to get hold of this UPIC
program, looks fucking great, like a digital version of Daphne Oram`s Oramics and that mad Russian ANS synth
Also in another recent interview he says he does not use LIVE but gives them credit for a few innovations and slick programming, says it`s simplicity is it`s downfall for him, sorry I dont have a link to it.
"He said he won't release his best stuff"

I'd be happy if he'd just settle for releasing some good stuff.
why is it that british people add an air of pretention to everything?
the fans do it,
the musicians do it,
they build things up and say they are better than everyone else and a "genius", and when they're done, they bash it because it's cool to.
Why do only british idm artists get the press? venetian s. and kid 606 got the short end of the stick.
why is a warp records t-shirt about 20 US$ and a tigerbeat6 shirt $10? Is the cotton and silk screening quality that much better? Would it fucking kill warp records to write some goddamn information on the record sleeve and quit being such art fags?
I think aphex is a fine, fine composer and a genius at what he does, but people take that cat too seriously!when he speaks, it's like the gospel to some people!What he uses won't make you any good.

besides, nobodys gonna get better than dj red alert and mike slammer's "in effects", so just give up people.
lord knows I have....
He definitely has a Fenix Modular, which is analog. Don't know what else though...
here's a link for coagula..the program hasn't changed since 2003

I once was in a studio that had a bunch of cheesy 80's gear, including an old Yamaha drum machine (don't remember the exact model, but it was one of the earlier ones). I fired it up and the very first preset was the exact beat from an Aphex song (Analogue Bubblebath, I think), just dry.

I think one of his MANY tricks is using cheesy presets from generally dismissed old gear and just juicing it up with cool pedals or VSTs or whatever. He may not be lying about most of that gear, but I doubt if those are his main tools. He certainly uses some sort of pro DAW and lots of analogue gear.

Also one of his tricks is being a goofball and intentionally misleading. So, grain of salt and all that.
Of course he`s a goofball in interviews because every musician that has EVER TALKED about their music seriously sounds a complete pretentious prick by default.
Music is for listening, that`s why he does it, he`s taking the piss out of the media for talking about music, he`s expressed his contempt for art journalists for years but is obviously putting the attention to as best use he can.
My 2 cents, sorry.
Ah and I spoke with a dude from Synton and he said Afx has 2 fenix`s ! Coil had one as well i fink.
Coagula and Metasynth are poor imitations of UPIC, for one you can`t modulate lines with each other like you can in UPIC.
I think aphex is a fine, fine composer and a genius at what he does, but people take that cat too seriously!when he speaks, it's like the gospel to some people!What he uses won't make you any good.

Well this kind of attitude isn't strictly limited to UK artists. DJ Shadow gets the same kind of response. I remember reading how his die hard fans were going crazy when he ditched the MPC to use Pro Tools. But like you rightly pointed out, it aint the gear.

In the case of the Aphex Twin interview I guess he is just having some fun, and who can blame him. He obviously has a great sense of humour. Consider how twisted his music is, why should his humour be any different?

Who cares what he uses. Find what is right for you and then get busy.
"like you rightly pointed out, it aint the gear."


ps: Blogger word verification system = Warp records. To post his, I have to type "xmzmpmdf". Wasn't that an Autechre album?
"Coagula and Metasynth are poor imitations of UPIC, for one you can`t modulate lines with each other like you can in UPIC."

Great- so you've actually used it, huh? actually I prefer freeware or the stuff you can buy at Sam Ash, to this mythical French nonsense that is totally inaccessible.

Same thing with the shit that comes out of IRCAM, for which you have to "subscribe."

These are ivory-tower applications for conservatory grads.
You are very wrong.
UPIC is almost as easy as you can get, it certainly exists, not mythical.
and it is free.

Did you know Aphex Twin was the first person to ever use a laptop for live music !
That's enough folks !

Search for user "Panflet" ;-)
I thought he came off as pretty sound and a genuine guy...

I thought when he said Mr.Fingers needed to get his old gear back he let his true colours show.

I think its pretty pointless listing tech like he can point to it and say that machine will make this music when really music is made by whatever you have to hand at the time plus whatever mood and experience you might have...

I really wish Yamaha would let him make a synth... I'd bet it'd be killer.. expensive but killer.
why is it that british people add an air of pretention to everything?

i rather suspect that the majority of the great british public add an air of pretention to nothing.

they just slob around.
Americans! Younger Children! Please note Aphex is being vaguely insightful in a non-funny way: all the hardware he lists is a clone/ knock-off/ inadequate emulation of classic boxes OK?

Just to clarify: he's not trying to be inclusive by saying you don't need original Roland X0X gear to make tunes, ie: you can do it like me using shit kit, kids. He is trying to say that copyism in general is boring, whether it's his fanboy army or clueless retrophile accountant-run manufacturers alike.

Got it?

Another tip for beginners: don't read Aphex interviews - he's not that bright or interesting, really. He really really doesn't have any exciting non-musical ideas, apart from low-level pranksterism plus a principled wind-up-the-public policy. Eno he ain't.

His music is rather splendid though. OFFICIAL!
PS: Yes, that's *including* the UPIC, which is a clear rip-off of an innovative sequencer built by a young Richard H. Kirk in the 1920s using only flowerpots, twine, and ant-killer.
i dont think anyone should care how he makes it.
try and make it yourself and see if you like it.
yeh cos dabrye and aphex twin are soooooooooooo similar and comparable ..

hmm .. ever heard of DETUNE?? aphex realises PHAT sounds come from DETUNED osc's thats not amazing , its just good knowledge of synthesiser technique ..

and no one can say he doesnt have at least THAT in his skill set
wel wel here's the kit list

for my early tracks
bazzikl y

roland tr808 606
tb 303
korg ms 20

added a synton fenix .and the nord modular was also heavilly featured on windowlicker ..
oh yeah thye analords series were made watching thepowerpuff girls played backwards while on acid

see u
i ran through the interview in a friend's mag, i personally have no particular interest in aphex twin's work or character, though i realize he has some great moments.allow me to say though, that his fashion in the particular interview was exactly what FM deserved for unzipping his pants with their teeth. a good tip though was the ear monitoring thingies. For those interested in avantgarde and pioneers a small reference http://freealbums.blogsome.com/2006/07/24/various-artists-electronic-panorama/

best wishes

once again cos it looks chopped
I am a visual artist and I can tell you that his music is inspiring more than most.
The IanniX software is here:

pet medication
I wish someone would break into his house and steal all his music, and dump it on the internet!
Maybe one will. Hello richard.
hey richard. I guess he really is a nethead..

those ms-20 filters are fantastic, i should get around to finishing mine
I'm looking forward to buying the magazine, I'm in the states and get the US version of Future Magazine, and I don't think we got or will get the interview. If nothing else, I'll buy it just to hear his humor, gotta love 'em.
what the fuck is going on? Information overload/overkill or what.

just how many of these posts were Richard himself?

Whatever, everyone needs to get a DSI Evolver [yes even you Richard]
Drukqs has got to be one of the BEST albums in ANY genre, not just electronic music.
and i thought i had seen it all. has anyone ever heard the sound of a glass eye rolling across a wooden floor? and if so, why were you in a situation to hear such a sound? thanks for any regard for this.
I had to delete all my vst folder because i got caught up in trying to find the right synth to do the job rather than learning a synth well. now i just use reason and cubase for audio. two synths thats all i need! having aphex twins hardware wont make you aphex twin! so id have to agree with the last few comments, who gives a shit really make tunes instead!

There is a brand new version of IanniX on sourceforge :
IanniX 0.639b, for Linux, Mac OS X (UB) and Windows


Help yourself !!
Well everyone, there is a lot of info on hardware here:




Find out what kind of sounds you like. And get the stuff you feel the most, don't go with what other people use...

I like some of his stuff (manly the early, but also some of the later stuff), great stuff indeed. And, yes, he is one of the most tallented guys in electronic music for shure. Obviously he uses the stuff listed above (MS20...), most people who have used these boxes can tell. Anyway, he also uses a lot of reverb on some tracks. I don't think his style is about gear, it's about good programming/soundshaping, and knowledge, and experimenting, and good melodies... But yes, if you're really into soundshaping, and electronic sound, you're probably gonna prefer hardware, I certanly do.
That being said, software is starting to sound really good now, a friend of mine showed me the ms20 virtual-synth, which sounded great.
Me personally, sticking with hardware, there's tons of stuff out there which doesn't cost much either...
I posted the comment above, and I'd just like to state, I think a lot of Mr James music is magic, and he's relly creative with what hes's doing.

It's not about equipment though (only to some part...), a lot of people have the same stuff he has, but they make crap music...
Cunt wombles
Well, actually, I think he makes all those drum rolls "snare rush" whatever using something really simple. Think about it, if you told everybody how simple it was to make your music, you would be out of a job. It would be better to talk a lot of codsh*t in interviews to have a little chuckle to yourself and remain an enigma. I met Mr James, gave him a cd of one of my tracks that I burned, I figured I burned a lot of his cds over the years, I didn't mind if he had one of mine for free. Oh and if you must know, I use a whole bunch of overdue oysters and chow down on them.
I think the some of the reason he talks the way he does in interviews are:

A) He's a Lee Perry fan, I seem to have read somewhere, and he's known for his crazy rants.

B) Journalists often have a kind of marxist approach: "1) tell me what music you have listened to/that inspired you" "2)Tell me what equipment you use", "3) Tell me about your background/uppbringing". As if these things would explain what kind of music a person makes, it doesn't. It's most likely a kombination of genes, and personality, and how you are, and connections with other things, who knows, but influences and equipment are just a small part...

So this kommunistic - simplified, trying to pin down people probably irritates a lot of people/artists. Just talking about your own music must be weird...
if you want to sound like aphex twin start building modular synths..
all of sawII is made with homemade modulars and so is most of the early stuff with the occasional 303 or ms20 thown in.
even on drukqs the majority of what you hear are sampled and then sequenced modular sounds.
not talking about the prepared piano stuff of course.
so get to it..
Fugged about it.

Soon Rickie is gonna open up his house and show to the world that he composed everything using dBlue's Glitch.

Who cares. He makes good music. The scene is too full of copycats these days, and it is always nice to find someone doing something original. Keep up the good work.
kraftwerk. period.
for anyone still searching for UPIC, try http://highc.org/
Thanks for the reference to highc. Please note that HighC is still in development, eventhough it is usable.

If you want it to improve, please post comments and requests in the forum
Does anyone know what mixing desk he uses these days (analord series...), and in on the early stuff (analogue bubblebath vol.3, polynomia-c, selected ambient works).

I'm currently looking for a new board, and I'm checking what a lot of producers have used, who's work I like a lot. So I checked what my favourite jamaican producers used, my favourite electronic-music producers....
Aphex is a genius,some of his song are of the best in history ,some of them really boring...anyway he is a genius,and it doesn't mater what he uses,he know mecahnics and electronics to modify gears and stuff....
bottom line it's how you use hat you use,you can give im an atari and produce hits,just focus on making good music trying everything you can and stick with what you get along the best....
kraftwerk used vst, why wouldnt RDJ? just because he said he made some software doesnt mean a damn thing. nobody makes all their own software and music, NOBODY. he uses his time and tweaks the fuck out, computer software don't do that for you. cheers to RDJ.
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