Live synth / sci fi podcast (you know, for geeks)

Simon writes: "I just thought I’d let you know about a radio show that I am producing over the next 12 weeks. The soundtrack is all new material specifically produced for the show. It is mostly electronic (Minimoog Voyager/Evolver/Dot Com Modular/Theremin) but also features Dimension Pro sampler and Ableton live software. The show is live and I will be using Ableton's fine software to create a lot of the sound on the fly. It's presented by Ken Hollings, whose reading is not only live but also unscripted - he's just talking about topics he knows inside out." It's a series about the history of science fiction from 1947-59, which I'll be listening to on the bus to work tomorrow... Links to the podcasts are here, or you can hear the show live on wednesdays on Resonance FM in London and on the web.

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