Real work = not much time to post, but nice emails = lots of ideas. So... New MPC-1000BK is black, might come with built-in hard drive (babelfish unclear) Sonic weapon designed to repel teenagers Guitar Hero on PS2 - Gibson sponsored music game Record labels try to get heavy with people making mash-up bootlegs Software lets you plan & cost your dream modular synth. Warning! May inspire lust and/or bankrupcy Awesomely noisy VST version of the Death Synth hardware box. (Also my Nord G2 version) Why icebergs sing (if you speed the tape up a bit)
(Thanks Simon, Jonas, Boing Boing, Audio Mastermind, JMaggard, Dave)
Posted by Tom Whitwell.
OMG! the new guitar controller will be the new casio sk-1.
or maybe I should hook up a sk-1 with the controller. or make it a CV controller for a synth. that would look sweet on stage. is this already available?
My jaw dropped when I clicked the link within the japanese akai press-release. They've added timestretch, Pitch-shift and 2.5" HDD support. Who needs a 2kxl?