Slapclap: Totally inappropriate slap/clap simulator

We've had joke VST plugins before (remember the dancing frog, the Virtual Studio Visitor, the Mastererizer, and the Anechoic Chamber Simulator) but the Slapmeister Slapclap [NSFW] is by far the most offensive. It has a really not safe for work interface which is quite cleverly done (click and drag anywhere likely), and could probably get you thrown off any right-thinking US campus.


Now we're just waiting for the kick-him-in-the-nuts plugin. Complete with paramters shoe model, shoe size, kick velocity...
wow. just shows that electronic music is "just such a guy's thing", right?

i don't think this is funny at all.

"Notice: Slapclap is Slapware. That means, you first have to slap some chick's ass before your are allowed to use it." muahahahahaha
i think its funny how some people dont think this is funny
I wonder how much spyware and other malware you install onto your computer when you download this?
"I wonder how much spyware and other malware you install onto your computer when you download this?"

It seems fine - you don't run an installer, just drop a .DLL into your VST folder. It's not like it was created by some big porn baron...
"It seems fine - you don't run an installer, just drop a .DLL into your VST folder."

The above comment could be read to imply that because it is a DLL there is less risk or no risk.

Just a quick (friendly) reminder that a DLL is (practically) exactly the same as an EXE.
Guys, calm down. My programming skills are far too crappy to program anything more sophisticated than slapclap....
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