Super Mario, the Opera (and many, many more)

Since the real band plays 'Endtroducing' post, I've been deluged with 'Real band plays...' emails. A lot of people pointed me towards Alarm Will Sound, who do a 22-piece orchestra version of various Aphex Twin numbers (and of course Nina Gordon's acoustic version of 'Straight Outta Compton'). But the strangest things I saw were the video game interpretations. I know it's old news in the US, but I was thoroughly freaked out by the trailer for Video Games Live (stadium-sized orchestral performances of video game soundtracks). And not just because the sound on my laptop is broken so everyone in the clip sounded like a munchkin (particularly Elijah Wood). The 'Dear Friends' concerts are a slightly less fist-pumping orchestral performance of the music from Final Fantasy. But best of all is The Mario Opera, concieved by Johnathan Mann: "Had you ever written an opera before? 'This is my second rock opera. In 2002...I co-wrote, directed, produced and starred in 'The Last Nympho Leprechaun'." (Thanks pL)

Yeah the last nympho leprechaun, it err.. I want to comment but i got nothing. The last nympho leprechaun... what.. the... hell.
don't knock it till you seen it, man. check out to see a few videos from my first rock opera.
a band called "the advantage" (i think named after a super NES controller) does live video game music in a very rock and roll style. check 'em out.
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