VEMIA Auction: What you want to buy

Some highlights of the current VEMIA auction of old and geek-friendly instruments, with current prices:
MIMIC Sampler £19: This is an incredibly rare early sampler, made by the people who did the Movement Drum Computer. It doesn't actually work, though. (Top left)
EMT Plate Reverb £680: It's 8 feet long, and it's currently in Belgium. But how cool? (Top right)
Hawkwind's old Synthi £1800: It was once thrown across the stage in a fight, but now it's OK. (Bottom left)
AKG Modular Digital Delay £190: Almost certainly does nothing that your PC can't, but how great would would it look in a rack? (Bottom left).
Other highlights include: Maurice Gibb's Synclavier, an Oberheim 4 Voice, a Linn LM1 (the Prince drum machine), a Fairlight for £1830, and a nice-looking book about EMS Synthis.

Hey, did you notice that right around page 5 of their listings there's a bunch of stuff being sold off by Coil? They've got a couple of sets of Optigan discs and Stylophones and a Casio VL-Tone, and a Sherman Quad Filter Bank, which looks pretty ridiculously complicated and neat...
how come this site never works for me? all i get is javascript errors
I just get javascript errors too.
BTW, the mimic keyboard is one of Coil's old bits of junk too.
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