In the "boring, but interesting" folder: Pro Tools have just announced Pro Tools M Powered. In the past, PT would only work on PT harware - the cheapest of which was the £320 M Box. The new software is a cut-down version of Pro Tools which will work on any modern M-Audio hardware, from the Audiophile 192 upwards, and can make recordings that are compatible with any other Pro Tools system. BUT: The software itself costs $350. So, if you want to start out in Pro Tools, you're probably still better of with that sexy M Box...
Posted by Tom Whitwell.
So nothing has changed then, you just have more hardware to choose from :-)
Also, there was infact Pro Tools free which as the name indicates costs nothing - but wasn't really updated by Digidesign after they released it several years ago.
Hmm. All the compatible cards use Envy24/ice1712 chipsets. That's about the most standard sound card chipset out there. I betya there will be a 'version' that works with any sound card around very soon.... Perhaps that's what Digi want to happen...