"Knowing the value would only make you nauseous"

Slash writes: "I figure many would like to see these drum pictures." I'd agree. They're of a 1920s gold-plated, engraved snare drum. We don't have enough drum stuff on MT, so if you have any stories, get in touch!

Knowing the value would only make you nauseated. Nauseous means causing or able to cause nausea, thus the reader would cause nausea in others. Nauseated is nausea in the reader, which is probably what you meant. Cool drums tho.
I wonder what the history is of Americans pronouncing 'nauseous' as 'NAW-shis'... given other words like nausea (NAW-see-ah), nauseum (NAW-see-um) and nauseate (NAW-see-ate)... curious...
nauseus can be used in this way. look it up:

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