Bob Stanley on Synths in The Times

Five things I learned after reading Bob Stanley's great piece about synth history in The Times today:
1: The shiny silver band in Stardust's 'Music Sounds Better With You' video was based on 70s French synth-pop dude Didier Marouani of Space.
2: Trevor Horn played a Yamaha CS80 on Top of The Pops with Buggles.
3: Rick Wakeman developed a super-mellotron called a Birotron. There are six left, and one sold last year for $35k.
4: Sheena Easton played a Moog Liberation strap-on keyboard.
5: The Pet Shop Boys recorded most of their first album with a PPG Wave 2.2.
6: Nick Rhodes real name is Nick Bates. He named himself after the Fender Rhodes "for aesthetic reasons".

Although Bob Stanley claims that Moog was responsible for the Wasp, which is a huge load of old pony, and godawful research, as anyone with 30 seconds on Google can prove.
...and "telstar" was performed with a clavioline, not an ondioline.

this article is barmy old cack.
yeah i stopped reading after the claim of "the Moog Wasp". done.
Are you allowed to use the words strap-on and Sheenah Easton in the same sentence?
the daft punk look with the motorcycle helmets comes from the cover of the Space LP.
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