Mr Champagne is building himself a synth

Music Thing reader Kelan Champagne read this post about building a DIY synth for £70, and was inspired: "After some looking around I settled on the Paia Fatman. I started this weekend, and so far, so good. It was only $180 for the parts and rack-mount panel." He's just sent me some pictures: This is his keyboard-filled apartment. This is the kit as it arrived. Step one: resistors (I love that picture!). A lot of soldering and a moderate amount of Mountain Dew (too much gives you the shakes, not good for soldering) and he had this. Stay tuned for more Kelan & Fatman updates!

I built a Fatman some years ago... unfortunately I screwed something up because it didn't really work right. Advice to you: be very careful in your soldering - make sure there are no "cold solder" joints that don't connect properly.
Good luck!
I once built a Paia Vocoder. All I can say is that these build photo look fairly tame in comparison. There must have been a million parts for that thing. Lucky for me that my brother fixed video arcade games at the time and was well adapted to the smell of resin solder.

Well I hooked that thing up to my Korg Poly 61 and plugged a mic in and out came instant Mr. Roboto. : ) Actually it sounded really cool and I hooked all kinds of things up to it. It had a cool fuzz/distortion part that made my synth scream big fat guitar like sounds.

Any way that was a pretty cool Paia kit that was worth it. Unfortunately it was retired when I got a Eventide H3000s with a vocoder it it. : )

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