Build your own bonkers wooden synth

If you've built your Soundlab Mini Synth and fancy something more challenging, try Kit-Ten-Net-Tik, a choice of two amazing looking wooden-cased battery-powered synths with built in speakers ("You can take it out to the woods and freak out birds.") The kit looks a bit intimidating, but it's only $250, which seems reasonable. (Thanks for the tip, Jim)

The post about the Soundlab Mini Synth got me interested in building a synth of my own. After some looking around I settled on the Paia Fatman. It includes a midi-to-CV converter, so that you can play it with any midi controller. I started this weekend, and so far, so good. It was only $180 for the parts and rack-mount panel. It doesn't include a speaker, but there are a wide range of mods online, which is one of the reasons I picked it.
That's brilliant: Post me some pictures and we'll have a running 'how's the synth building going' thread?
Tom -
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