Thursday is Rick Rubin Day!

Five good reasons why Rick Rubin is the man:
  • Johnny Cash 'Hurt' [QT Video]: Every day, for the months before Johnny Cash died, he'd call Rick every day to give him communion, saying "And they retired to a large upper room for the Passover feast, and Jesus picked up the bread…" and so on. Have you ever heard anything cooler than that?
  • LL Cool J 'Going Back to Cali' [iTunes link]: Maybe the best ever use of an 808 in a hip hop record?
  • Beastie Boys 'Rhymin' & Stealin' [iTunes link]: When I was 15, this was the coolest thing I'd ever heard. If you're in any doubt about Rick's skills, listen to this cover version by comedy voice-over man turned hip hop 'artist' Penthouse J.
  • Jay-Z '99 Problems' [QT Video]: Rubin says all the music he likes is punk. AC/DC are punk, the Beatles are punk, and hip hop is 'black punk'.
  • Run DMC 'Walk This Way' [Real Video]: When DMC and Run first heard the lyrics on 'Walk This Way', they called it 'hillbilly gibberish'. And yes, that picture is Rick in the studio, recording 'Walk this Way' with Run DMC at the desk and Steven Tyler looming.

    Rick looks like one of the (undead) Bee Gees in that photo with Run DMC & Steve Tyler.
    check out a cool interview with Rick Rubin @
    Don't forget Mr Rubin's take on Queen's classic 'We Will Rock You', as featured in the "Queen Anniversary 20 Years" American re-edition of News of the World.

    He turned it into -surprise surprise- a very PUNK version of the once-original classic.
    what about all the metal albums hes helped with ? that has to be mentioned
    Rick Rubin agrees to produce the next Metallica record....

    amazing stuff yet to come
    Slayer - Reign In Blood

    'nough said
    Totally agree on 'Reign in Blood'..
    Totally agree on 'Reign in Blood'..
    Rick Rubin was the producer of Blood Sugar Sex Magik, by the RHCP, that alone makes him great
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