Rick Rubin Day: Pt 3: Sir Mix-A-Lot

Rick Rubin signed Sir Mix-a-Lot to Def American, he told him 'Baby Got Back' was a good song, and he made him speed it up into a hit:
  • Anthony Ray got his hip-hop name when he was sitting programming a drum machine (almost certainly an Oberheim DMX) while watching a film about King Arthur on PBS
  • The idea for 'Baby Got Back' came when he met some models on a video shoot who couldn't get work because of their booty: "It was sad to see these women couldn't get work because of some stupid standard of beauty," he recalls.
  • 'Baby Got Back' was originally a down-tempo number. He only sped it up because Rick liked it and he didn't have any other fast songs on his album.
  • Sir Mix-a-Lot is a huge rock fan, and is now producing a rapper called Outtasite, who does a scary rap-metal version of 'Baby Got Back'. A local writer who's seen the show said: "It was as if his fetish had reached frighteningly pathological dimensions.
  • Sir Mix-a-Lot's last album contains a track called 'Big Johnson': "I had this massive argument with this woman I've known for a long time about 'Baby Got Back.' "She didn't like it at all, and she said, 'If someone did a song called "Baby Got Dick," would you like it?' I said, 'Yeah, that would be cool.'"
  • 'Baby Got Back' sold 2 million copies in America. More

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