Retro synth: The $200,000 Teleharmonium of 1897

I've been enjoying 120 Years of Electronic Music. The most interesting thing so far? Thaddeus Cahill's Teleharmonium, a vast machine (built 20 years before the amplifier was invented) which occupied one entire floor of the Teleharmonic Hall in New York, and could be transported in 30 railroad carriages. The keyboard (above) had 36 notes per octave, and the experience of listening to it was described as "highly irritating". No recordings have survived, so unfortunately, it's unlikely that a 'Virtual Teleharmonium' will soon be available for download.

I believe it's spelled "Telharmonium". Normally I wouldn't correct someone's spelling, but it might make it easier for someone to Google it.
T.O.N.T.O. resided about a block away back in 1999.

Picky, picky, I speled it teleharmonium and google didn't have any problem finding it for me.
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