Jarre yes. Vangelis no.

I was doing some research into Moog Liberator strap-on synths for my friend Neil, and stumbled across Jarrelook, Britain's only Jean Michel Jarre tribute band. They're a Lancashire-based husband-and-wife team, who thought about forming a Vangelis tribute band, but decided JMJ would be more fun.
Jarrelook facts:
1) Martin owns a Mellotron.
2) Tracy is an amateur Egyptologist.
3) Mark (who controls the laser and pyrotechnics) met Martin at a sub-aqua club and was best man at their wedding. There are no gigs in the pipeline, but I'm sure a writing campaign through the website would change that.

Amazing stuff. But a tad geeky, especially when wearing white gloves during playing.
The gloves are obligatory - geeky or not - the harp will not play without them to increase the back scatter from the beams - and a 600 mWatt laser does tend to burn you without some form of protection...

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