
Now you can play your hemp guitar through hemp speakers in a hemp cabinet

This is The Fatty, a speaker cabinet built from hemp board, covered in bamboo, and loaded with hemp-coned speakers. Yours for an eye-watering $1,499. Perfectly matched with the Hemp Guitar I wrote about a few months back. The cabinet is made by Hard Truckers, who used to run the Grateful Dead's sound system and now produce very expensive gear, including gruesome tie-dyed speaker grills. Damn, these baby boomers have a lot of money.


  1. Anonymous11:36 pm

    Isn't the whole point with industrial hemp supposed to be that it is significantly cheaper to manufacture?

  2. Anonymous3:03 am

    If you blow em you can smoke em....

  3. not the whole point, its more sustainable than chopping down 100 yr old trees, etc. - supposedly can be more durable as well

    not necessarily cheaper, especially since its still a realtively specialized process

  4. Jesus rode a bicycle made of hemp.

  5. Anonymous2:53 pm

    Wow, this is so cool. I'm a bit of an environmentalist so this is the perfect piece of gear.


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