
Starr Labs: Still trying to make MIDI guitars after all these years

1985 called. They want their guitar synth back. What could be more wonderful than Starr Labs, a tiny little company based in San Diego who have been producing weird, semi-one-off guitar MIDI controllers in the long defunkt line of the Synthaxe, and Stepp DG1 for decades? Their Ztar guitars have buttons/keys along the neck, touch sensitive strings you can strum, and a few other buttons and controllers. Most interestingly, the buttons on the neck are polyphonic, so you can play multiple notes on one 'string', which must make for a bit of mental adjustment for most guitarists. Starr Labs just put out a press release about their new model Z7-S, which looks like a Steinberger and seems pretty much the same as all the others, including this previous post. It costs $1,495. Of course, for $1,300 less you could buy a Yamaha EZ-AG teaching guitar, which works in a similar way, and - according to one review - is "easy to wipe clean"...


  1. Anonymous9:42 pm

    Starr Labs Guitars may have a very limited audience, but they are pretty neat and all of the gear I have seen come out of Starr Labs (including some custom stuff made for us) was really nicely built. Glad they are going strong.

  2. Anonymous11:49 pm

    I never knew about the Yamaha EZ-AG "guitar"... It does seem to have MIDI in/out -- looks like a totally fun controller. But then, I like keytars, too...

  3. Anonymous12:13 am


  4. "Still trying"...does that mean they have failed?

  5. Anonymous2:45 am

    Ergonomic Nightmare

  6. Anonymous7:23 am

    Anyone played the Yamaha? It might be good for recording bass guitar as midi.

  7. Anonymous10:10 am

    Starr's other controllers are more ergonomic, maybe, but I like this shape and hope to have one somday, or at least try one out. Every thing I"ve heard from Starr owners had been good reviews.

  8. Anonymous11:45 am

    the ez-ag is great. search kvr for a 80 page thread on it, as well as pc-midi software to make it easier still. apparently yamaha have just stopped making them, so they're getting hard to find.

  9. Saw this post and bought an EG-AG from Amazon uk - it's fantastic, ta for the tip!

  10. Anonymous8:56 am

    "Still trying" to make MIDI guitars? Hardly! They have succeeded, and brilliantly, in my opinion.

    Although I am not a guitarist, I have certainly appreciated working with musicians who have instruments crafted by Harvey Starr.

    I would like to recommend a visit to the website for anyone who's interested:


  11. Anonymous2:28 pm

    I've had a Ztar for ten years. They are excellent. What other guitar-style instrument allows you to play above and below the nut (not that that's the main reason for getting one).


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