
eBay of the day: Disposable Pop Song

eBay item #270072387882 is a wooden and glass cannister with a circuit board inside and a speaker on top: "on turning a knob it dispenses an original pop song... After about four plays the song degenerates into noise, thus rendering the whole (song) contraption useless." Created by Yashas Shetty, an artist from Bangalore, India. 24 hours to go, it's currently just Rs 1250 ($25). (Thanks, Indira, via )


  1. Anonymous5:56 pm

    I would love to see Tom Bugs do something similar :)))

  2. Anonymous6:20 pm

    Buy it, then don't use it at all, until you have recording gear set up, ready to capture it's first, best performance.

  3. Pretty cool. There's just something poetic about it. : )

  4. someone tell monolake about this!!

  5. That's a wonderful thing - sort of "Cornell takes on Keane's memory stick".

    I'm calling this the hot new consumer format of 2007! Stay tuned for some other ill-informed predictions!

  6. Anonymous1:36 am

    Damn, I dont know what to think about. On the other hand I like the concept but on the other hand, something that renders itself useless drives me mad since world does not need anymore useless crap.

  7. After about four plays the song degenerates into noise, thus rendering the whole (song) contraption useless.

    Send it to me once that's happened! ^_^


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