
Anonymous reader's cool DIY touch-screen interface

In the comments for this post about multi-touch interfaces, an anonymous poster tells this story: "I got my hands on a [mono] touch screen and use it as a second monitor on my music PC. I wrote a drum grid editor thing (inspired by those little LED-button-covered boxes you reported on [the Monome?] that syncs with a midi device. Anyhow, it's very cool to use." Slightly bigger picture here. UPDATE: He says "It's totally free if anybody else has a touch screen and wants it (it'll work on a non-touch screen too, of course)." I'll post a link as soon as he sends one.


  1. Anonymous9:26 am

    great stuff ! would be nice to have this for PDA ( or your Tungsten T3) with midi-interface.

  2. Anonymous9:33 am

    yeah! i would like that a lot!

  3. Anonymous1:44 pm

    Theoretically, if the interface size could be reduced to 320x320 on the PC screen, you could use PalmVNC over Bluetooth to control it with your PDA (although you'd still need your laptop).

    I made a post about getting PalmVNC running here: http://snowblind.net/?itemid=3

    You couldn't have a midi interface on a Tungsten though because there is (as yet) no midi interface available for Palm PDAs.

    Another option would be writing a new piece of software specifically for use on Palm - the best bet would be to use HB++ (www.handhled-basic.com), although it costs £100 so I won't be doing it any time soon unless I win the lottery ;)

  4. Anonymous2:49 pm

    A (PDA-)bluetooth midi-interface, that would be pretty rad ! I imagine some nice DIN-plug bluetooth device plugged into the Midi-ports of musical gear and controlling it from my bed ! ( in which i am now just dreaming about..)

  5. Anonymous8:15 pm

    God, that looks great. Nice looking interface design that man.

    How much are 15 inch touch screens going for...?

    Wonder how much of a problem it is only being a monotouch screen?

  6. Anonymous9:37 pm

    ultra sick .. who ever did that should get a music thing hero .. well mabey not but it's still rad -

  7. Anonymous9:46 pm

    Nice, but I still want to play with one of those 'audiopad' things ;-

  8. Anonymous12:24 am

    is there a reason you can't send midi (or for that matter OSC) over bluetooth or wifi from a pda?

  9. Anonymous2:00 pm

    You can send midi over bluetooth, Olivier Gillet (Bhajis Loops creator) made a small app that does just this for example, but then you have to use a computer with bluetooth to receive the message.

    If there was a harware bluetooth-midi interface then you could use a palm to control hardware devices without a computer...

  10. Anonymous9:40 pm

    do you have a link for that palm midi over bluetooth app? i just got a little bluetooth dongle for my pc

  11. Anonymous: I couldn't find the bluetooth app but this is the page of the guy that supposidly created it and his other programs


  12. Anonymous12:51 am

    anyone have any recommendations on a good touch pad?

  13. Thanks Godzilla Frog :o)

    I've tried running this on my owrk PC and get all sorts of error messages. I'll try it at home and if I still encounter problems, I'll drop you a line :o)

    Thanks for your altruistic donation :o)

  14. in addendum to my previous post, I have tried this at home now and it works a bloomin' treat !!

    Great stuff !!

    Good Karma dude !

  15. Anonymous11:20 pm

    There are MIDI interfaces for Palms, and there is an application which does a very similar drum grid as well as analog-style bass/lead line pattern sequencing: Beatpad from Minimusic, who also has MIDI hardware.


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