
Supercute synth: Bleep Labs Thingamagoop

Seven reasons why I can't think of a nicer way to spend $100 than on a Thingamagoop mini synth from Bleep Labs:
1) There's nowhere near enough anthropomorphism in synth design
2) This movie
3) Flashing lights + weird noises = double threat
4) You can customise your own with a neat online colour-picker
5) It has a ledicle. Like a tentacle, but with a LED
6) John-Mike, who designed it, also makes other cool stuff
7) They actually explain what's going on, with an oscilloscope. (Thanks, Kim)


  1. Anonymous12:01 am

    Now that's just cute :)

  2. Anonymous12:27 am

    where can you actually buy one of these things?

  3. Totally cute! My daughter would love these things. Very cool.

  4. Anonymous1:50 am

    They are cute and the video is fun. But that really is a peice of garbage for $100.

  5. You can buy them at bleeplabs.com
    Just click on "customize".

  6. Anonymous9:56 am

    $100 is like £60 real money. That strikes me as pretty fair. The components probably cost a small fraction of that, but that's hardly the point: The price of a meal in a restaurant doesn't reflect the cost of the ingredients. It's the kind of thing you'd buy and only use a couple of times but to characterise it as 'garbage' strikes me as a trifle harsh.

  7. Anonymous10:36 am

    I just think they're supercool and this company will sell a bundle as gifts or to use as "toys" more than musical instruments.

  8. Anonymous2:46 pm

    That is awesome. I'm with Mikey; The parts may not cost much but that is totally not the point, it's a piece of handmade art that looks as cute as the milk carton in that Blur video, plus it lights up and makes fucked up noises. Genius.

  9. Yeah, it gets a thumbs-up from me too!

    I want one. I think I'm going to order one. I'm going to do it. YUes, I'm going to bloody do it!

  10. Anonymous3:04 pm

    Yeah, it's a cute designer thing. $100 is a normal price for something designer-y like that.

    But, in the video, it didn't really get cool until there was more than one thingamagoop.

  11. Anonymous3:12 pm


    aaaaand, out comes the credit card

  12. Anonymous5:59 pm

    I only thought it was mildly cute, until I saw the part where they were on a turntable. IT'S SO FRIGGEN ADORABLE!

    Of course you could easily build one yourself for cheaper but admit it, it wouldn't look a tenth as cool. And isn't it really about the way gear LOOKS?

  13. Anonymous7:44 pm

    being a long time avid reader of music thing i must say, [this is good]

  14. Anonymous9:29 pm

    i bought one over a year ago, and all i can say is that is is awsome and i love it. worth every penny

  15. Anonymous10:56 am

    it's products like this that make it all worth while. Can't wait until payday

  16. Anonymous8:01 pm

    That thing is a must-have! especially for only $100.
    Just ordered one... It'll look cool on my desk at work! and as a bonus I can use it to annoy others in the office!

  17. Anonymous3:09 am

    The last scene at the end of the movie turned me on.


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