
Live geeking from Synth DIY 2006!

Just got back from Synth DIY 2006 in Cambridge, and posted this Flickr Set. Highlights for me were playing with and drooling over Alan McKerchar's incredible EMS Synthi-style Soundlab Mini Synth here, and Paul Maddox's nice digital/analog Defender synth here. Plus, I won an Akai S2000 in the raffle!


  1. Anonymous6:46 pm

    Thanks for comming to the event, I've posted pictures I took at the event on the gallery page (gallery.diy.synth.net), including a picture of Tom and the S2000 he won :-)

  2. Anonymous8:32 pm

    Ooh, what was the GP2X doing? (http://gallery.diy.synth.net/main.php?g2_itemId=993) I've had one for ages but I still haven't taken it further than playing Tetris and Sonic.

  3. so that´s you Tom. it´s odd because you look exactly like the mental image i had.. :)

  4. Anonymous11:09 pm

    So THAT's how you get rid of an S2000 :)

  5. Anonymous12:26 am

    Yeah, it's uncanny how much Tom looks exactly like my mental image of Tom. Have you posted a picture of yourself on here before or something? Why do you look so much like we were all expecting you to?

  6. Anonymous12:30 pm

    If you all keep going on about it we'll have to cancel this week's Church of Tom meeting. How are we ever going to tie him to the altar now?

  7. The GP2X was a mystery to me. It was connected to two Griffin powermates. I think that the chap from Access bought it along.

  8. Anonymous12:57 pm

    The EYES, those horrible, glowing eyes! He has been posessed by Akai and will shortly be found naked, praying to an altar made of S5000's

    The horror, the horror

    I could be wrong though

  9. Anonymous5:10 pm

    The Gp2X was showing that they had managed to get it to work with USB MIDI (Midi-share).
    I have played with a few music apps on it, one of which was a 'trakker' style app, very early stages, but very promising.

  10. Anonymous9:27 pm

    hi folks, jay here .. yeah, i brought the GP2X to demonstrate my port of MidiShare for it, but left the batteries at home and didn't get around to showing it off quite properly .. but stay tuned, because I'll make the MidiShareGP2X port available this week, and we'll see where that takes us ..

    synth-diy was a great time, lots of interesting things going on, and as usual very, very, very geeky. i'm a bit worn out by it all ..

  11. Hi Tom. It was good chatting to you but alas not enough time. I'm sure you are glad you were persuaded to stay a little while for the raffle :)

    I brought the Linn 9000 for some mofo poundin' beats and the EF303 slider\sequencer\303 emulator groove box and FGPA synth.

    Paul in his infinite modesty showed his own designed kick ass Defender monosynth.

    Awesome day. Great guys and good to renew friendships and to generally geek out.


  12. Anonymous3:19 pm

    Some more pics here:



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