
Conny Plank's entire studio for sale

These are exciting times for people wanting to buy elderly studio gear with fashionable associations*. After Kraftwerk's vocoder and The Radiophonic Workshop's patchbay, comes Conny Plank's Entire Studio. Conny started his career as a sound man for Marlene Dietrich, before producing all the important krautrock albums by Kraftwerk, Neu! and Can. He died in 1987, but his studio continued, until his widow died on 1st June. Now the entire contents are up for sale in this auction, which seems slightly shambolic: "We will collect all the bids and offers over a couple of weeks and after a while the highest bidder will be the lucky one" but there is some great stuff on offer, including the hand-built console, some nice synths, and an instant collection of super-cool rack gear (1 and 2)... (Thanks, Samuel and Zanf) *I guess that's all of us, really.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:34 pm

    Here's one for the gear spotters...

    Where are the channel modules in that console from?

    I'm sure it's an old Studer broadcast desk.


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