
"My tabla machine has gone completely nuts"

Jesse writes: "Hi Music Thing, Thought you might be interested in my tabla machine as it has gone COMPLETELY INSANE.
"It has a 'composer' mode where you can program two beats of up to 100 steps each. I was programming a regular 32 step loop when it went completely apeshit and started playing a 334 step pattern of f'd up noises that most certainly do not come from a tabla. Here [QT Movie] is a video of it doing its thing. Here is my blog entry about it."
Thanks, Jesse. Really do check that video out. It's very cool.


  1. Anonymous11:20 pm

    sounds so much better this way!!!

  2. Anonymous1:36 am

    thats really great. its like a jazz tune where they 'return' to the theme

  3. Anonymous2:34 am

    jesse, i wish to purchase your haunted table machine. did it do this on 6/6/06?

  4. Anonymous2:35 am

    table? tabla.

  5. Anonymous5:07 am

    Very Autechre'ish.

  6. Anonymous6:18 am

    Hah, wicked. I can see Richard D. James using that on a track!

  7. Anonymous8:25 am

    The cuase of the problem is pretty obvious, when you turn it on the first thing the display said was "ale".

  8. I've wanted one of these machines for a while, but now I want one EVEN MORE!! That's so awesome!

  9. Anonymous10:14 am

    Sounds like 'Gantz graf' :D

  10. Anonymous11:44 am

    Reminds me of Asa-Chang. I want one of these things too!

  11. Anonymous12:36 pm

    Reminds me of what I heard when my trusts+y old Ataria ST 1040 had a sort of nervous breakdown when I fiddled around with a song in the 90s. The computer sort of crashed but I was able to save a very strange song file, which had all the funny changes of timing, drones of all kinds etc. making it a Aphex Twin like remix of my song. Called the song Meltdown...

  12. Bloddy awesome. You can't BUY one of those out of a store. Yours is unique now!

  13. Anonymous12:54 am

    Fantastic! Sounds like Radiohead on an off day. Ok Tabla...

  14. Anonymous4:42 pm

    Instruments that circuitbend themselves are priceless. That thing is just begging to be sampled!


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