
Kelly Osbourne has a synth tattoo (What about you?)

Trent writes: "Kelly Osbourne has an awesome new tattoo of a sweet (fictional?) synth with X-Y, 2 wheel mods, 5-band EQ, 3-octave keyboard, and...a spectrograph??? Can't decide if this makes me want to puke or give her a high-five." Leaving aside the obvious questions ("What the hell?" and "What kind of fool would put mod wheels way over on the right hand side?") I started looking for other people with music-gear tattoos. Obviously there are plenty of Fender and Gibson guitars, but no synths at all. Nick from the Volt Per Octaves has a Moog logo tattoo, but I can't find any more. Anyone else?


  1. Anonymous1:06 am

    wow.. kelly osbourne, a synth-head?

    Mod-wheels on the right... maybe she's a leftie?

  2. Anonymous1:50 am

    A friend of mine has a mirror image Minimoog on his forearm. A lefty Minimoog I guess, but it wasn't on purpose.

  3. hmm, i'd like mod wheels on the right and a stick on the left

  4. Anonymous3:32 am

    I have two tattoos on my arm....

    Btw, the only synth I know of that the Osbournes have is an Arp 2600.
    I repaired it for him a few years back.
    Then again, money has been pretty good lately for the O's. Maybe they have more now. :)

  5. Anonymous5:58 am

    yeah, kevin, but do you think kelly would have the brains to use one? i mean, i've seen the show, none of them are too bright.

  6. Every San Francisco area bassist seems to have tattoo sleeves. For quote a while, I'd been pondering what I would get when I return to the area to live. This answers it for at least one arm! Knobs galore!!

  7. Anonymous5:18 pm

    I've heard that a guy in the listening has a moog tattoo.

  8. Anonymous7:54 pm

    The subject is cool, but it looks like a drunken prison tattoo.

  9. Anonymous9:46 pm

    I'm going to make myself a Max/MSP patch tattoo..

  10. Anonymous10:54 pm

    The mod wheels were probably drawn on the left in the original image, but got reversed when it was transferred to the skin. I'm surprised it wasn't noticed before inking though...

  11. Anonymous12:17 am

    if image was reversed, wouldn't the keyboard would be F-E, instead of what looks like C-B?

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  13. Click here
    to view my Moog Tattoo.

    i got it last year just before Dr.Moog passed away.

  14. Anonymous2:31 am

    another moog girl

  15. Anonymous4:10 pm

    email the zomzoms


    I'm pretty sure at LEAST one of them do....

  16. Anonymous2:36 am

    It childish...

    ...but there's a great place to get a 303,909,808 etc tattoo - and you only need to pay for two numbers, whoo!

  17. Anonymous7:12 pm

    Does a Moog ladder filter tattoo count? (It's not mine...)



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