
The digital cowbell returns

The Rad Monkey VLC800 Digital Modelling Cowbell page was blogged a bit a few months ago, then the website disappeared, but is now back. It's the best music gear hoax since Sonic Finger: "The Edinburgh LT was a workhorse of the European cowbellist for much of the 1960s and 1970s... Our modelled version has controls allowing the user to add or remove 'virtual' tape" (Thanks, Mikey)


  1. Too bad the site doesn't use real cowbell sounds. It seems to be just one sound that's sampled and then moved by half-steps (or sometimes not). Everyone knows that a cowbell covered with duct tape doesn't sound like that! Don't get me wrong, the site is funny, but taking the time to create the right sounds would really put it over the top.

  2. i got a fever!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Anonymous4:13 pm


  4. Anonymous5:15 pm

    the simple, repeated use of the word 'cowbellist' makes me laugh.

    and the alma cogan signature model...

  5. Anonymous5:40 pm

    "I need more cowbell!"

  6. "I need more cowbell!!"

  7. Anonymous3:08 am

    blake said..."but taking the time to create the right sounds would really put it over the top."

    NO WAY DUDE! The sameness of the samples made it hillarious, not just funny!


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