Today is 808 day

Yes, it's 8/08/08, so here's an utterly random selection of tributes to the boomingest drum machine in history. Send more! (Above, is Dan McPharlin's 808)
808 State: Olympic (see what I did there?)
The Shape of things that hum 10 minute documentary on the 808 with Arthur Baker, Orbital, Coldcut
Blaque 'Boom like an 808'
Beastie Boys 'Nothing sounds quite like an 808'
Kelis: "I'm back with an 808 'cos I'm bossy"
Geishas with 808s
Felix da Housecat: "808s Give you power"
Sound on Sound's definitive history of the 808
Afrika Bambaata: Planet Rock
808 parts kit All the switches and knobs, including the coloured tap switches, for £99 - could you turn this into an awesome midi controller?
Tape 808: $19 gets you the best 808 sample set ever
Sounds like there's an 808 at the Party in my tummy
The Hobnox AudioTool has a beautiful 808 emulation, right there in Flash
How to make an 808 kick with your mouth. I'm not sure this gentleman has actually ever heard an 808 kick.
Rebirth with an 808, a 909 and two 303s, is free
Talking Heads: Psycho Killer live - the acoustic guitar / 808 version from Stop Making Sense...
(Inspired by Experimentalists Anonymous)

808 State - more cowbell!
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Beats were expensive then...

TR-808, 1981 release price - 765 pounds (according to the Sound on Sound article).

Using UK retail price index (t to adjust for inflation, that is

209.8/70.29)*765 = 2283.35 in 2008 pounds!

Bloody hell!

16 drums sounds.

So 1 808 cowbell costs 142.68 quid.

142.68 quid - For a Cowbell!
That is a rip off, because an 808 cowbell module from Doepfer only costs £47...
love the photo. happy 808 day.
Here are some better pictures of those 808 Geishas:
My son was born just 55 minutes shy of an 8/8/08 birthday. I don't understand why my wife couldn't have waited JUST a LITTLE longer!?
i've got a playlist of classic 808 tracks up on my blog, enjoy!
should we look forward to another special theme september 9th?
Tobias von Hofsten - I love my 808

Happy 808 day!
commodore64+808 made on 080808.yes.
Too bad I missed "303 day", I've got some awesome pix of that!
"Lookin' like jailbait, selling lotsa real estate, lookin' like a hot date, bangin' like an 808"
I Love The TR-808!
I'm releasing a few of my instrumentals for the upcoming 8(O)PUS8 compilation.

This album was inspired by all those "Dirty South" Beats that bang in clubs all around the globe. And of course the 808 Drum machine.

From wiki; The Roland TR-808 Rhythm Composer Produced - 1980-1984

1982 Keyboard Magazine review of the Linn Drum indirectly referred to the TR-808 as sounding like marching anteaters.

Here's a few niblets of some tasty 808's

This album features close friends and MC's : Conspiracy Da Cut Slinger, Harmoniah Skye, The Blurb, as well as other Canadian Crew, and myself, OPUS MC!

These beats are sure to make the subs bang. I'll update more niblets in a month or so.


Opus MC
We've actually just finished up an 808 kit producer competition (aka the "Beat Meet") that was sponsored by Goldbaby (and using one of the kits mentioned in this post). You can check out the entries at:

p.s. love the blog, check it daily.
Good idea to celebrate the good old 808 though drum sounds have greatly evolved since the 808hipop and house music. Who would dare to
play a 808 kik in his production
nowadays??? Kraftwerk may be (and unfortunately) as I heard in a recent video from their recent tour
want to be lucky ... 888 is a chinese lucky number
kudos to 808!!!!

Cyber Monday
You my friend, may just own one of the best blogs on blogspot.

Honestly, it's the only thing I've read so far that remotely interests me :P

Those are some nice pics, got me drooling :P.

Always wanted to get an 808, just never had enough spare cash.
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