The Tone Generation: Great podcast on early days of electronic music

The Tone Generation is a ten part series of podcasts about the earliest days of electronic music. Part One [mp3 link] covers Britain - with rare recordings from the 1950s and '60s by people like Tristram Cary, Daphne Oram, and assorted Radiophonic Workshop alumni. The music on offer is all pretty challenging - lots of atonal bleeps and waves of noise and very different from the commercially-minded output of Raymond Scott, who was working at the same time - although with more expensive gear. The podcast is presented by Ian Helliwell, and produced by Simon James, who also did the splendid Welcome to Mars.

I thoroughly enjoyed _Welcome to Mars_. It was a fascinating look at some deeply weird history. And Simon Jones's music was great. A marvelous example of excellent modular synth music/FX that really supported the mood and the narrative.
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