Neutrik CrystalCON: XLR plugs with Swarovski crystals

It looks like a late April Fool, but isn't. Neutrik, who make over 1,600 different types of connector, are launching blinged-up male & female XLR plugs, presumably for the growing diva market. The CrystalCON comes in black with a few Swarovski crystals attached. There's no price yet, but the connectors will go perfectly with a Sennheiser E835 covered in Swarovski Crystals in one of 25 colors. Standard E835 = £60. Bling E835 = £290. And while you're at it, you could be playing this gruesome custom strat which sold last year for £7750.

But can you hear the difference?
Does it really make your music sound tackier?
Just WHY?
I wonder when these start appearing in riders of gangsta rap artists...
That my friends is stupid and awesome both at the same time.
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