The incredible mechanical adventures of Tristram Cary

As Create Digital Music reports, Tristram Cary died this week. Here's the first third of the wonderful Australian documentary What The Future Sounded Like, which does more than I ever could to explain why Tristram was important. For me, aside from all the pioneering and inventing and explaining and pipe-smoking and knob-twiddling and making the modern world a little bit more interesting, he'll always be best remembered as the recipient of the world's greatest ever synth-shaped birthday cake.

This made me really in the mood to start making really spacey sounds again.

it helps you appreciate our ease of electronic music today
Thank You for highlighting this.

I wish I had (*) finished my BA in Audio Science even more ..... (*the lack of obligations to enable me to have)

Would you happen to know where I might be able to obtain the complete trio of this documentary?

I have a number myself including many early electronic music albums that I'd be very happy to exchange with you if you are interested.

Thanks again
thanks, gr8 watch.
You´ve gotta to love that Hawkwind guy :-)
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