If you're going to do noise, do it properly

Love this video from Tom Bugs of Bug Brand, demoing the latest £100 Weevil 08, with a mini Kaoss Pad. The only problem with Tom's stuff is that it's impossible to buy - his lastest batch of Weevils sold out within hours. Previously: Tom Bugs in his workshop. (Via Matrix)

Hehe, thanks for posting Tom! That's not actually a vid from me, but done by http://www.myspace.com/cygnusmusic (Phillip Washington in Dallas, TX). -- the vid got a good comment on Youtube - 'jesus f**king christ what the f**k?'
Yeah, I'm trying to make 'em more available!
You can build your own easily. I am pretty sure he has just used the designs from Music From Outer Space: Random Wacky Noise generator.

It will cost you $25 in parts and about 4 hours to build your own.

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